speaker selection help ... on a budget

I have a Rotel RBX980 120W/ch amp with a RTC980 pre that I recently bought for a great deal.
I understand they are rather on the bright side as a combo and wish to match them up with a pair of bookshelf speakers that would add some warmth and decent bass extension. I mostly listen to rock / r&b / jazz.

My budget is $250 tops for the pair. What are some good options for new or used that you can recommend?

thanks for everyone's time!

Showing 2 responses by lurch70

Thanks everyone. I was able to obtain a 9/10 pair of Paradigm Atom Monitor V5 speakers with stands for $100.
Will see how they perform but the speakers look solid for the price.
Thank you everyon. I had Energy speakers before years ago but had a bit too much of a laid back sound for my liking ... as far as I remember. Any feedback on MS Carnival 2's or the CA S30? Looking to go the UK route possibly and also need a wood finish cabinet for WAF :(
I understand the shortcomings of speakers in this price range, but I am sure there are some gems/sleepers out there. I am not into critical listening ...