Speaker suggestions at around $30k

What speakers would you recommend I listen to? To be driven by a high power solid state amp in a small to medium, well damped room. Around $30k price range. Preferences in order are:
1. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please!

If true there would be more choices. Much more important is the number produced in the first place. Most people keep their cars for a number of years yet there are millions of used ones for sale. I searched Carmax for 4-6 year old Ford Taurus'. They have 46 of them and that's just one seller. There are probably thousands for sale around the country. I found a site with over 200 Ferrari's for sale. There is a lot of stuff for sale here but if you start looking for a particular model your choices are extremely limited if not nonexistent.

I too was once guilty of flipping equipment hoping for that next big leap forward. Thankfully I'm done with that. I no longer sit and listen and wonder how much better it could be.
Of the speakers mentioned, I have listened to the Sasha, Sophia, Eidolon Diamond, Salon 2, and Focal Scala, and I have heard models from Marten, Magico, and Verity, but all in different systems and environments.
Some nice speakers amongst them, and the Scala seems interesting and to my taste currently. It is not a true comparison with so many variables at play, but I have to narrow it down to maybe 1 or 2 that suit my taste in a system somewhere, and then I may be able to see if they suit my room and system. A slow process, but lots of fun.
Thanks for the suggestions.
VR5-Anniversary-MkII speakers.
These list for $30k. I've had a pair for almost three years. They match up well with all the criteria you list. They have very extended highs and uncolored midrange. The bass is deep and very fast via magnesium woofers. Tweeter and midrange are the same drivers as the VR9 & 11. Same woofer technology (magnesium cones) as in the VR9's & 11's. The MkII upgrade has internal wiring using Masterbuilt cabling from Delphi Aerospace and upgraded crossover components. The speakers can generate an extremetly wide and deep soundstage. Very fast, but musical not "analytical". I spend time listening to the music, not the components. PM me if you want more info on my VR5 system.
Heard the new Sonus Faber Amati Futuras for the first time last week.

Absolutely sublime sound, and visually, these speakers are truly works of art!
Hi Mike60...

When u ask question like that, u open a big a$$ can of worm. You will get all sorts of answers. I recently went to the 2012 CES and heard all the speakers that mentions here and none impress me as much as MBL speaker. It has all the sonics u r looking for plus add 3d & holographic sound, effortless and most natural sound. For that price range, u can get a pair of 111f MBL. Off courst, this is my taste and your might be different. I highly recommend to go listens for yourself first before lay down big chuck of change.
I've been in audio for 40 years.

Salk Sound SoundScape 12's - $16,000 - Raal tweeters, Accuton mid, play down to 19 hz.

Get off the merry-go-round of "brand" speakers and get Salk's custom designed to your finish. They will blow away any of those B&M-priced speaker brands.
Try Crystal Cable Arebesque III with solid allumunium housing . I heard CC Arebesque with glass housing,and ribbon twitter ,they were amazing. The new version is Arebesque III which claims to be improvement over glass one , and pair is priced at Euro 35,000 as MRP.
The speakers which may suits your needs and expectations and are worth to be consider are SoulSonic Impulse speakers. They are quit new on the market but out there you can find great notes about them. More you can read here http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/frr.pl?rspkr&1316612796&&&/SoulSonic-Impulse-Supreme

If you have a budget of 30 thousand dollars , what's the rest of the budget? Because at that level it is ALL about system synergy. You buy by the label at your own peril.
One option I can think of : Marten Design , Coltrane . MRP is $ 50,000
But if one is ready to wait for a used pair to come for sale , it can fit in your budget of $ 30,000.
I would buy a pair of soundlabs and to drive them atmasphere ma1's or if you have the funds the ma2;this combination would be world class sound that probally cound not be out done.
If I had $30k to spend, I would buy a Vandersteen 5a Carbon without question. I have only heard the Vandersteen 7 so use caution with my recommendation. I think the Carbon driver is the best driver that I have ever heard.

What size room will these go in? If you have room I vote for Soundlabs. I also like Vandersteen 7. Also Vienna Acoustics Die Musik are sweet as well.
Focal Scala is the best choice in my opinion (of all the ones I heard). An outstanding speaker! It can also work very well in a smaller room.
I like the Focals I've heard and can see them fitting well in your scenario if you really want to drop that kind of money on speakers. They deliver a very full bodied and transparent view into the music when I have heard them, with the right amps.

I totally agree.

I use a CS3.7 with an S1 integrator matched to 2 SS2s.

The SS2s are incredibly easy to place in the room and is a lot more versatile than trying to place one large full range speaker in the same room. Plus it already comes with a great 1000W subwoofer. EACH.
I find the Audiokinesis Swarm sub system a pretty intriguing product particularly at its price point:


I wonder with an approach like this at that price point, is there rally any need for $30000 full range speakers?

I really like the AK approach to things. Very practical it seems to me. I need to hear some someday.
Thanks Mapman, I found your comments about the 'flavor' of Triangle and Focal to be accurate.
A lot of great speakers at $30K. I've heard the Sashas and they're definitely fabulous.

Although I haven't heard the KEF Blades, the review and sonic description in TAS certainly matches your criteria. If I were in the market they'd *definitely* be on my short list--a full-range point source? Hard to beat if well executed, and KEF has been refining the coincident driver for decades. In fact, the guy behind the TAD coincident driver is an ex-KEF guy.

I've heard other coincident driver KEFs and they definitely pull you into the music.