Speaker suggestions at around $30k

What speakers would you recommend I listen to? To be driven by a high power solid state amp in a small to medium, well damped room. Around $30k price range. Preferences in order are:
1. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please!

On the preamp, this guy can build the best http://www.jeffreywjackson.com/

On the speaker, I don't understand why anyone would pick a speaker to match an amplifier. The speaker is the most colored component. First you find a speaker you like and only then do you consider what amplifier is best to drive it.

In this case the best Avantgardes you can afford along with an SET amp. That is of course if they will fit in whatever a "small to medium room" is.

"what you really need is a fantastic preamp like a direct heated triode that is transformer coupled first"


Good suggestions but what you really need is a fantastic preamp like a direct heated triode that is transformer coupled first, then you can build a nice system around it. Other preamps using caps cannot provide you with the detail, soundstage, speed, dynamics and realism that transformer cooupled preamps provide, the cap gets in the way of the sound.

Happy Listening.
Before you invest $30k in speaker make sure you have a good
. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please: Totem Shamans
you can hear the echo from the recording studio
If I had $30k to spend on speakers I would try to listen to the following (in no particular order):

1. Aerial 20T V2
2. Focal Scala Utopia
3. Wilson Sasha
4. Tidal Piano Diacera
5. Rockport Avior
6. Marten Designs (they have a model that goes for $30k)
7. Sony AR-1
8. The TAD that's been mentioned a few times

Good luck. Keep us posted on your search.
Did you try out Vandersteen Quatro or 5A ?. I auditioned the lower end Vandersteen speakers and they are really great speakers for the price. Great soundstage, separation of instruments and control over the range. 3a Signature is a wonderful speaker not looks wise but it has no match for its price. Atleast to me that is.

Good luck.
I always said - never give too much money to women. They will just burn it.
Tidal should do it. Don't know Classic Audio.
The new Magnepan 20.7 soon to be available.
Spend the rest on better maps.
If I had $30,000.
it is what I would buy. The 20.7 Maggies and a pair of Bryston 28B-SST2 amps.
...or the Gallo Reference 5LS with matching SA Amp. Meets your criteria, are beautiful, and 1/2 your budget.
Audition the Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary new in your price range. To get brighter use SS amp. I have the VR 4SRs and they are wonderful. Or save a bit and go for VR 4 SR MKIII
For just a little more than your range, I like the Classic Audio T-3 speakers. They are extremely fast, detailed and lively to the extent I have not heard in any low efficiency speaker. You could eventually migrate away from high power amps in favor of much nicer sounding low powered amps with these speakers.

I sort of liked the Tidal speakers in this price range-detailed, harmonically complete and well balanced.

The Wilson Sashas are quite nice sounding--great soundstage, harmonically rich and complete, reasonably detailed. I have not heard them deliver the kind of ultra lively sound of high efficiency speakers.

I have not heard the MBL speaker in your price range (the 116), but, the more expensive models sounded pretty promising, so it is probably worth looking into these as well.

The YG speakers I heard in your price range were a bit lean and dry sounding (it could have been the electronics or the setup), but, they were otherwise so good sounding (very detailed, clean, clear, harmonically complete, great soundstage) that they are worth looking into.
I would get the legacy whisper with hurricane amps, and the updates by vh audio using v_caps. Stock the whisper when amped right is world class and will do rock to classical with a huge panel like stage but with dynamics and good slam. Upgraded, a lot of very expensive speakers have trouble keeping up. And, no I am not a dealer or selling a pair. Jallen
Adam speakers. Had I the coin I'd be auditioning speakers from these folks (NY). Cannot recall which model I heard at show here in Atlanta, but it was fabulous. Internal powered sub. IIRC, had all the attributes for which you are seeking. They were driven by Accuphase, which I assume helps.
Wilson Sasha's. I just listened to them today. Why? Because of your stated preferences.
If I had 30K to spend on speakers, I believe I'd start hitting some stores and hear them for myself, but hey, that's just me.
I'll throw in the Adam Tensor Betas or Deltas--in fact, if you don't need the last octave of bass, the Deltas should work just fine for you and you'll have about $20K left over. Their highs and midrange are very realistic sounding to me, their powered bass drivers mesh very well with the ribbon-style mids and tweeter, and overall these speakers do a great job (IMO) of reproducing the dynamics of live music. If you have a chance to audition them I would highly recommend it, they may not be your cup of tea but the more I hear the Deltas the more impressed I am by them.
Ditto on the TAD. I've heard them at many shows, and most all the time I am left fantasizing about having them!
I just heard the new Rockport Avior speakers and they are quite amazing! They certainly check all your boxes.
In that price range, I guess I would also have to throw out the mbl option as well, at least if you were interested in perhaps trying something completely different that might meet your criteria.

Normally I';d suggesdt OHm Walsh as a less expensive alternative to mbl, but those are not inherently bright by any stretch, though with the right amp and configuration feeding them, it might turn out to be a non issue. Also the largest OHMs, the 5000s, have onboard tone adjustments that are quite useful for matching speakers to room. Those even new would likely come in at ~ 1/5th your target cost and might be worth an in-home demo first if saving $24000 or so is something you might be interested in.
For medium size listening room Genesis 7.2f at MSRP $9,000 and possible deals for $7500 new is extreamly hard or impossible to beat even with $30k.
Of the ones I've heard, Focal Utopia line speakers match your criteria best.

For a similar sound for perhaps less cost, I would take a look at some of the larger Triangle speakers as well.

Both companies are French and sound similar in these regards to me.
Revel Unltima Salon 2. Possibly the best all rounder I have ever heard.

Wilson Sashas. Also amazing but perhaps more finicky to place than the Revels.

Upper echelon Sonus Fabers like the Futuras.