Speaker suggestions at around $30k

What speakers would you recommend I listen to? To be driven by a high power solid state amp in a small to medium, well damped room. Around $30k price range. Preferences in order are:
1. Tremendous detail
2. Large open 3D soundstage
3. Clean, lively, and exciting
4. Vocals with great realism and emotional content
4. Extended highs (slight brightness to suit my room)
5. Moderate, controlled mid and deep bass
etc.. etc.. :)
Your recommendations and reasons please!
Audition the Von Schweikert VR5 Anniversary new in your price range. To get brighter use SS amp. I have the VR 4SRs and they are wonderful. Or save a bit and go for VR 4 SR MKIII
...or the Gallo Reference 5LS with matching SA Amp. Meets your criteria, are beautiful, and 1/2 your budget.
The new Magnepan 20.7 soon to be available.
Spend the rest on better maps.
If I had $30,000.
it is what I would buy. The 20.7 Maggies and a pair of Bryston 28B-SST2 amps.
I always said - never give too much money to women. They will just burn it.
Tidal should do it. Don't know Classic Audio.
Did you try out Vandersteen Quatro or 5A ?. I auditioned the lower end Vandersteen speakers and they are really great speakers for the price. Great soundstage, separation of instruments and control over the range. 3a Signature is a wonderful speaker not looks wise but it has no match for its price. Atleast to me that is.

Good luck.