speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.

When I listen to orchestra music and the peaks are exceeding 100 dB, it's VERY loud, and then moderate to low volumes passages sound unnaturally higher in volume than they should. It sounds like you're looking for a speaker that's dynamic, very neutral, low distortion, and open sounding, with no box stuffiness or coloration. One that will illuminate the room with a linear response both on and off-axis.

Seriously look into the Linkwitz Lab Orion if the budget isn't restricted. Check their website for people willing to allow auditions. If you're anywhere near the Ohio-Indiana-Kentucky area I'd be glad to let you audition both the Orion and the ∏ Audio systems in my home. Let me know.
Musicnoise, Vienna Acoustics has several speakers that will meet your criteria and the crossovers are designed to exclude biwiring.

Vienna Acoustics are very attractive options to B&W for classical.

Linkwitz design is an intriguing option as well and have heard some good things about them, but never actually heard them.
Selfdivider, your kind recommendation is a little. . . how should I say. . . uninformative. Why don't you tell us how these speakers excell in various aspects and subgenres of classical music reproduction. Thanks, G.