speakers for classical music

Would like to hear from classical music listeners as to best floorstanders for that genre. B&W 803's sound good but want to get input with regard to other possibilities.
Selfdivider, your kind recommendation is a little. . . how should I say. . . uninformative. Why don't you tell us how these speakers excell in various aspects and subgenres of classical music reproduction. Thanks, G.
Hi Dave, We will be at RMAF. Bring your classical torture tracks! Our room is very large, but I am hoping we will be able to take advantage of that by having a soundstage as wide as an actual stage. A nice big soundstage where the musicians seem life size instead of miniature is always nice...
Shouldn't all speakers play all music? Although at least B&W/Vienna Acoustics are consistent in that they don't play anything well.
Seriously though I am looking forward to the RMAF its a yearly pilgrimage for me to listen and look a lot of the unobtainable, unless I win the Lotto or rob a bank.
I only hope that Jazz is not being played to much in many rooms as of past years.
Gawdbell said:

"Shouldn't all speakers play all music? Although at least B&W/Vienna Acoustics are consistent in that they don't play anything well."

Thanks for the BS answer. I'm sure there'll be plenty of jazz, just for you, at RMAF. ;-0
