Speakers For McIntosh?


I just want to know what kind of speakers you Mcintosh fans are using and recommend.

I'll scratch the Paradigm, Phasetech, and Vandersteen(TOOO laid back, veilied, and soft for my taste with Mac's), and other warm charactered speakers(don't understand the whole, "warm, warm, warm thing!"). I like a balance that say's "transparent!" personaly, not a colored, manufactured sound. I'll also add that I like Macintosh "THX movie speakers" with Macintosh for movies! I think they do just fine.
Klipsch speakers from the Heritage line.

Forte and Forte II
Heresy and Heresy II
La Scala

All have synergy with McIntosh stuff.
Have just upgraded from Maggie 1.6QRs to Quad ESL 988s with a pair of Mac MC-225s with an MX-110. Bi-amped the Maggies with the 2 225s which worked quite well. Will strap them for 50wpc for use with the Quads.

Also run a set of B&W CDM CNT (center channel speakers) in the office system with another MX-110 and an HK Citation II. Excellent bloom and detail in a smaller package. Not nearly the mid-range air as the Quads or the Maggies, though.


I am using an MC352
Thinking of thiels (CS3.6, CS6, or CS7.2)
or Sonus Faber (Cremona or Amati Homage)
Is the Mac too much power for the Sonus faber speakers?