Speakers For McIntosh?


I just want to know what kind of speakers you Mcintosh fans are using and recommend.

I've used B&W N802's with my Mac for the last three years and still love the combination.
I recently purchased Mcintosh Pre(C2200) and Power (MC402) amps and finally have a tube/solid-state combination that makes my Meadowlark Blue Heron II's really sing. Incredibly musical combination for me, that allows me to appreciate a wide range of music without fatigue.
I'll scratch the Paradigm, Phasetech, and Vandersteen(TOOO laid back, veilied, and soft for my taste with Mac's), and other warm charactered speakers(don't understand the whole, "warm, warm, warm thing!"). I like a balance that say's "transparent!" personaly, not a colored, manufactured sound. I'll also add that I like Macintosh "THX movie speakers" with Macintosh for movies! I think they do just fine.
Klipsch speakers from the Heritage line.

Forte and Forte II
Heresy and Heresy II
La Scala

All have synergy with McIntosh stuff.