Speakers : Who uses What ?

Which brand and model drivers are used in speaker systems. I want to know which company I am listening to . Is there a web page that lists who uses what ?
I thought I read a thread here in audiogon some months back where someone gave a site with a list of drivers used by various companies . I didn't persue it at that time , if whoever has this information could respond , We would appreciate it . If the list can't be found let's start one . All of us have replaced a driver sometime . We need to note which system , which brand and model driver was used . What do you think ? Wouldn't we be more effective in knowing which drivers sound best to our ears and which drivers irritate our ears or are too bright , ring ,or sound warm ? It would be nice to know how much a megabuck speaker manufacturer spends on their drivers .
I have to disagree with the assertion that manufacturers do not let us know what drivers are in their speakers. It is true, however that many do not. But, every day, I see TOP maunfacturers pointing out that they use brands such as Morel, Vifa, Dynaudio, Scan Speak, Audax, Focal, Eton, Seas, Cabasse, etc. with PRIDE. They often use it as a selling point. Want names? In no particular order: Vandersteen, Coincident, Vienna Acoustics, Eggleston, North Creek, Wilson, Proac, JMlab, Hales, and Joseph.
sugarbie, most speaker mfr's do *not* use their own drivers, they outsource them from arelatively small handful of driver mfr's. of course, there *are* a few speaker mfr's that make their own drivers, but they are in the small minority. even companies like wilson, w/their multi-kilobuck products, outsource the drivers. jm-labs, dynaudio, thiel all make their own drivers, not sure about b&w...
I followed the scanspeak web site (www.vifa-peak.dk) list of distributors to Madisound (www.madisound.com). Click "retrofits" to find a list of replacements and substitutes sorted by loudspeaker manufacturer. Hope this helps a bit.