stacking DAC on Monster power conditioner

I have run out of room on my rack and my DAC is the odd piece out. In the past I have never stacked equipment. dont know if its a bad thing or not.

So the question is ......stacking the DAC on the Monster PC a bad thing? I am in the process of purchasing a linear power supply for it and that will need to go on top too.

Thoughts...thank you in advance.

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

I stack. I add in some spacers.
Generally most equipment which generates only modest heat is no problem. My DAC hasĀ  only 1/2 inch above it, no problem left on 24.7
Some items, like a tube preamp, can generate more heat, and may need a little extra space.
One way to allow space is stagger front to back. So the lower item has plenty of free space to the rear and up... The heated air leaving the back itself will suck the heat out of the space between
I also use a shield between two components. Extra rubber feet then the shield, then the upper component. So the heat from the bottom one is not added to the top one.
For most items I use 1" tall rubber butyl bottle stoppers added in.
And I leave almost everything on 24/7
I have ten components in 4 shelves. Stacked 2/3/2/3
Nothing gets warmer than if it was alone.