Surge Protector - Brick Wall/Zero Surge vs SurgeX

I am planning to buy a Surge Protector for my audio equipment. I have shortlisted the following:

Brick Wall PW8R15AUD ($259.00)
Zero Surge 8R15T-I ($286.00)
SurgeX SA1810 ($355.00)

I have heard that the Brick Wall and Zero Surge are clones and they claim to have isolated (duplex) receptacles to prevent interference and cross-talk. SurgeX claims to have better filtering.

Do they have any detrimental effect on sound? Has anyone heard them and compared them?
I use a Brick Wall, and I don't hear any effect good or bad, but I know it's protecting my gear.

I am doubtful that you would hear any difference between the three.
I have been told on very good authority that Surge X initially developed the technology and licences it to Brick Wall. On the advice of some recording engineers and audio professionals who can not afford unnecessary downtime, I have used Surge X equipment in my audio system for more than 10 years. I use Brick Wall for all of my television sets.
Also look at the PS Audio Quintet, it is $399 and offers some extra features over the Brick Wall [I have both] One important thing for me is that it uses a detachable power cord vs the Brick Walls captive one. I just got my PS but my first impressions is that I prefer it.
Zero Surge sell the technology to Brick Wall and others. If you read the patents it's pretty clear that they do.

I will say that you should go to the Zero Surge website and look under "What's New" and take a look at the current special. Pretty hard to beat IMO. Also, for first time customers they offer a 20% discount.

I started a thread on another forum that's the only reason I know this.
Jtwrace where can i find your other thread on the Zero Surge produck, i just orded one for my amps. Will using this on my amps limit the power, and make my system worse. Thanks for any info
I've had a BrickWall in my system for several years now and hear no discernible difference from that and straight out of the wall. Anything else I've tried had that cheesecloth effect.
My TV picture benefited as well.
Disassembled my SurgeX XS10. Uses 5 SUNLITE 1-201D1 receptacles with a common ground. Receptacles not isolated to prevent crosstalk noise. Too bad. Stranded 12 AWG wire all around. Going to replace the receptacles with five cryo treated Leviton 5262 and use cryo treated 10 AWG hot and neutral where I can. Also shortening the power cable to six feet before cryo treating and terminating it with a Wattgate 330i AG. Should make a solid difference, we'll see :) .
Hello all that are reading this....  I am the President of Zero Surge.  I came on this old post to clear up two points. 

1. Rudy Harford (our founder) is the originator and inventor of both forms of series mode technology that is used by us, Brick Wall, and Surge X.  Don't believe me? Read the patents.

2. We are not offering a new customer discount at this time.  New customer discounts make sense when there are going to be many repeat purchases but our products will outlast all of us.  It is more likely than not that this will be the only purchase you need for your audio equipment.  We make all of our products in our Frenchtown, NJ facility and if you want us to keep Americans employed (I sure do) then we need to keep the prices where they are. 

Unlike most companies these days when you call us, you will be greeted by someone who knows our products well and have the ability to explain our technology until you are comfortable with your decision.  We performance test our products.  There are no other surge protection technologies that can say that.  An MOV company can't send surges to their products during production or it will degrade their life.  Since our products do not degrade with use, we can make sure that everything is working well before we ship out our products. 

To this day, we receive emails and posts on other social media telling us how their sound systems have improved sound quality using our products.  One recent Facebook post even said that he didn't have to purchase upgraded cables because the sound was so good when he plugged in his turntable into our product!

Thank you all for the loyal fans! - Jim
I don't have familiarity with any of the three models you (OP) mention. I'm using a Panamax MR4300. It's in the same price range as the other pieces mentioned. Panamax offers a monetary guarantee more than enough to fully reimburse the owner should anything happen to your equipment as a result of a surge.
I have the Brickwall since 2005. But the Zero Surge 8R15T-I looks so similar. Either of them should work in a nice system.
Looks like OP is not active on these forums anymore.
Thread resurrection! I've used the Brick Wall for a dozen years or so and wouldn't hesitate to purchase another if need be.
Panamax uses MOVs so they will wear out and eventually stop protecting. That is why they have to offer replacement money (which is likely secondary to you having to file a claim with your home owner's insurance first and pay that deductible).  There is no way to know when it will fail.   
Panamax uses MOVs so they will wear out and eventually stop protecting.

That is not entirely correct. It is true that MOVs are used. However, the ones used are *by design* meant to protect against a single occurrence. So they do not "wear out" per se. After a single occurrence they no longer function as intended.
Actually, he is completely correct. MOVs (all of them) have a finite ability to absorb energy. A large spike will kill it (which is how they provide protection) but over its life, it is continuously being degraded by smaller transients.