Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 13 responses by sherod

Is this the same Van De Graaff you are referring to?

Transylvania, huh? Is that where Ted got his? (o:

Norm, I've seen the brief video footage.
Is this the same Clark Johnsen who posts regularly on the Water Cooler at Audio Asylum?
Norm. I'd like to hear about your current opinions on the Teslaplex outlet. I have now and am enjoying the Porter Port(Hubble) outlets and would appreciate another view of these Teslaplex outlets. Thanks.
I have looked on the SR web site and can't seem to find anything on the Teslaplex. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Anyway, I recall that this duplex was a custom-designed version of a Hubbell. Can someone give me some details of the design materials of this duplex? I currently have the Porter Ports( cryo'd version of a Hubbell 8300H) and with the exception of the Teslaplex being Tesla zapped, what would be the main construction differences? If there is any nickle in it, I don't think I would be interested, but then again...
So does SR provide the Quantum Tunneling( Vandergraff) zapping to non-SR products?
For a reasonable fee, I might send him one of my extra Porter Ports to zap for me. It would be an interesting comparison. Any idea what he charges? This seems like it could be a great side business. Anyone know where I can buy or build one of these Vandergraff zappers? (o:
Speaking of Tweekgeek, since they are the exclusive distributor for the Kaplan line, has anyone had a chance to do some comparisons of the Kaplan power cord to their Synergistic cords on various components?
What you're doing here is high-jacking a thread started by loyal followers of the new SR cable products. If the cables didn't work for you, so what! Let the guys who own and enjoy these SR products enjoy their camaraderie. Maybe you could start a thread with the title, " Hi, I'm Dave_b, and I love my Morrow cables". Then your fellow owners/users can revel in your new-found cable experience. I have never heard the new SR cables and other accessories in my system, so I can't make a subjective judgement. I think that the SR owner, Ted, has posted a while back that he admits that his web site is lacking in certain information as well as some of his new products.
02-10-10: Adwiegert

"Today I spent the past 5 hours listening to a song with one cable, swapping to the other and listening again, rinsing and repeating before moving on to another CD or song."

Were you washing your hair during all this? I try to rinse and repeat also. (o:
Could someone provide a link to buy these new MIG footers? Is there any information on their construction and what they are made of?