Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.
Ozzy, I wonder why Ted has never said anything about the Quattro and why it has no prominence on their webpage. It certainly is a tangle of wires behind my system.

Bacardi, I tried several of the power cords between the PowerCell and my QLS 9, including the Precision AC. I preferred the tunneled simple power cord, but I must say its short length was much less cluttered.
They need to hire someone to finish their website! The QLS strips, along with the Quattro, aren't on there either and half the pages for the cables are incomplete.
Adwiegert, I had talked to a Mike at S.R and he said he was working on the site when I had

Regards Bacardi
It seems they have been "working" on the Web page for several years...

Great products, Great Service, but the product information needs improvement. It seems to me that getting product information on their web site would be an important lifeline for the type of customers SR seeks.

Perhaps they need to hire a High School kid to get that web page humming.
Ozzy, I agree with you on your points. It has been several years now and they have new stuff like the Acoustic Art with pics and great descriptions just releasing without finishing old stuff like T3 UHC(isn't even on site), pics of cords and even reviews(very important to new customers and anxious buyers). Get moovin S.R....."Get er done!!!!!!!!"