Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr

Anyone like t take a stab at this "new" form of room treatment?

Specially tuned and treated carbon steel bowls that, carefully placed in the listening room on proprietary platforms, tune music reproduction, tighten bass, adjust tonal balance, and focus sound.

Showing 3 responses by schipo

at 4g no way at least not for cups the size of small rice bowls. The units are to small to make any difference, so case closed...
take a look at the treatment size, The bowls are smaller then a shot glass. I would guess that they are to small to even make a difference in a broom closet not alone a fair size listening room. The price of this room treatment is a staggering $3000.00 mark without providing measurment's.I believe room treatment must be thick and large to make a considerable difference in one's listening room.
most of you deserve to be taken..just laughable. I know this is an older post but cam across by complete accident. Three grand for acoustic treatment the size of a CD case.Anything placed in a listening room will affect the sound. A ceiling fan,candles,rug and book case. The larger will affect much more that's the rub. But little cups on the wall for 3k and I should hear it first to determine if I want to part company with my cash. No way in hell and when pigs fly. I can see you guys are ready for the info commercials that swear that they can give you killer abs with 10min of easy exercise as long as you use their ab keep dream-in.