Synergistic Research Acoustic ART analogue room tr

Anyone like t take a stab at this "new" form of room treatment?

Specially tuned and treated carbon steel bowls that, carefully placed in the listening room on proprietary platforms, tune music reproduction, tighten bass, adjust tonal balance, and focus sound.

Showing 10 responses by tbg

Well, I hate to introduce any observations into the already decided thread, especially given Audiofeil is always on the mark but without evidence or experience based conclusion.

At the RMAF of 2008, I stumbled into the Synergistic Research suite, not expecting much. Although I knew the name, I had no experience with anything they built. I also had much unsatisfying experience with digital equalizing my room, RoomLens, Shakti Holograms, RPG diffusors, etc. The demonstration of the ARTs consisted of music played using Esoteric amps and Avid speaker and SR Tesla cabling. The ARTs were installed after a cut of the music was played, they walked around the room removing the five pieces that go into the ARTs. Then the replayed the music. Everyone in the room exclaimed disappointment with the sound. They then reinstalled them and replayed the music.

They did another demonstration removing the charge on their cabling. I was much less impressed with this demonstration.

There was a "show special" by the Cable Company, I bought them.

It took a good deal of time to place them in my room. Initially a friend asked if he could remove the two side wall units and I said yes. He preferred it without, although where I stood, I heard a collapse of the image. I then sat down and had to agree with him that the sound was more immediate and live without them. Ted Denney suggested that I lower them and move them toward the listening chair. After several tries, I found a place where the image was evident even standing to one side, but the music was more immediate.

I am not concerned with convincing anyone, but I did tell a group of doubting thomases from Philly the morning afterwards to attend the demonstration. Many of them did buy sets.
Nsgarch, actually it is called pseudo science. It is better than rejecting science which many of our species do, but it also assumes that we know everything about nature and humans and need to heed no further observations.

It still perplexes me how anyone would say physics has told us that once the sound leaves the speakers it cannot be changed.

Oh, well, you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.
Slipknot1, did you and your buddies not buy the ARTs because you were unimpressed with what they did?
I now have some further experience with the SR Basik ARTs. I have a small room in my summer home and sought Ted Denney's advice on whether I could do something to make a 10 x 13 x 8 room. He advised two sets of the $500 Basik ARTs and how to use them. I did have a very positive benefit from them, but will further experiment with them this summer, using the new advice I found at the RMAF.

I have now used these Basiks in my main system which already had the original ARTs, putting the base stations in front of my speakers as I saw at the RMAF. Additionally I have used four of the Basiks on the speaker wall at six inches from the side walls. The lowest of these are at the level of the Vibratron and the others 18 inches above them.

This had the effect of sounding like crosstalk in the system had been greatly reduced. My sound stage sounds much wider and defined.

I have no patience with those who don't experience any demonstration of these devices but dismiss them out-of-hand based on their limited understanding of science. No true scientist would reject observational effects. I will not respond to such nonsense and post here only to express my personal experiences.
Define "possessing normal hearing."

What I am saying is that for those of your ilk, listening is not done.
I had an experience with the SR ARTs last night that suggests their impact. Like I first saw in the last RMAF in the SR room, I have bass stations 5.75 inches in front of my Tidals. Accidentally, I bumped one and knocked it over and out of position. I thought I was putting it back exactly as I had had it.

Last night, I was not getting the performance that I had had the night before. I thought ultimately that it was just me and my mood, then I noticed that I had put it backwards-the cup was facing away from the speakers. I turned it around as was the other bass station. That was the problem. Placement is of great importance with these devices. Too close or too far away from the speakers can matter greatly.
Sabai, a very good question. It is best to just ignore him, I have discovered.
Yesterday, I got a second Synergistic Research ARTs Bass Station. I had had two Basik Bass Stations in front of my speakers as they were used by SR at both the RMAF and CES. My ART Bass Station was placed in front of my subwoofer again as done by SR at both shows.

The second ARTs BS allowed me to compare the two types of Bass Stations in front of my speakers. My impression from the first few notes was that the true ART BS had much greater impact in controlling the bass and on the sound stage.

With them in place, the sound stage expands and opens up greatly. Placement of the ART BS as with the Basik is very sensitive. Too far out harms the impact of the bass information. Too close in harms the openness of the image.

Since the ARTs Bass Station costs three times what the entire five piece set of the Basik system, this is an expensive move, but there is no question that it gives a substantial benefit.