Tekton Double Impacts

Anybody out there heard these??

I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft.  Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs.  For the vast majority of music I love this system.  The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so.  For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer.  Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's.  Really don't want to deal with that approach.

Enter the Double Impacts.  Many interesting things here.  Would certainly have a different set of strengths here.  Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.

I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that.  Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers


Showing 35 responses by jetter

I may end up with this speaker.  It would be placed in a large casual room not unlike a play room.  If somehow the space below the lower midrange and above the upper woofer could have been smaller I would have tried it in my somewhat smaller family room (still good size).  At 54" size will be a consideration for my applications.  I have always wanted a multi driver large speaker.


mac4825, you can see further above that I am considering the Double Impacts.  I have to say that I had not seen the PMDs on their website until you pointed it out.  The advertising braggadocio really has turned me off. 
rotaries, I googled and found only one complaint, which funny enough was someone on A'gon, whose pair had mismatched woofer colors.  He later explains he loves their sound and has bought two or three pairs since then.  Maybe I misunderstood your post, but I found no complaints about Tekton other than the one.
I know this sounds silly, so be it.  I haven't seen the speakers except in pictures, and it looks huge.  If a foot smaller I would have already bought a pair.  Size matters sometimes.  How did you manage to not have it overwhelm your room, or is it in a dedicated music room?  Don't take this the wrong way, I am still really interested in the speaker.

Can anyone provide what the difference is between the upgraded DI and the "plain" DI and an estimate of the price differential?


Thanks mac, I see it is quite a jump for the PMDs.  It does not appear they are powered.

My two cents

This is one of the first new speaker introductions that has really peaked my interest in buying a new set.  I envy you guys.  Everything points to these being off the performance to value index.  But I would have to build a dedicated equipment room, which is not out of the question as I have the space.

As the reviewer in the article above states, in "The Downside The only concerns I have about the Double Impact speaker involve its large size and the amount of lower bass frequency that it produces."

I would be fine and in fact would like the lower bass frequency more than most, but in other than in a dedicated music room, the size just won't work in my living or family room.

I have mentioned this earlier in the thread, if there was a second model, exactly the same, but without the large space between the lower midrange and the upper woofer I would have already bought a pair.  I would accept the sonic trade offs.  Not interested in any of the other speaker models at this time.  Just mentioning this in case Eric ever wonders if there is a market for an identical speaker driver wise but of a physically shorter size.

Hi mac, yes I did previously read where Eric brought up the Brilliance above. Now that you have pointed out the new Enzo I do like their looks/dimensions but I will wait to read reviews on them as is happening with the DIs.  I am a little confused that the webpage indicates they are 3 way but they appear to have two woofers and seven tweeters, not sure if one of the woofers serves as a midrange?  I have a very good pair of speakers with all scan speak drivers so I am not in a huge hurry. 

Hi corelli, I don't think I expressed myself correctly.  I was trying to say that I like heavy bass, so would not be worried about too much bass, on the contrary, the more the better.  They are just a little too big in physical size for my particular family room where my stereo is located and would visually take over the room.  If they were a foot shorter I think they would fit in fine.  But if I convert one of my other rooms to a dedicated music room this would not be a problem at all.

I know how it sounds, but sometimes a speaker has to benignly fit into ones room.


I deleted my two emails, not the moderators. Just thought if you don't have something good to say don't say anything.

Contuzzi, I love these threads that are fueled by the proud owners of the product and follow them for no other reason as I like their enthusiasm.  As a rough count, there are 699 posts of which about 13 people actually own the speaker, one of which is returning his, and two who want to trade up to a new higher end model Tekton speaker.

There are another 4 people who have heard it and like it.

James, you are being modest not mentioning you great DI video on youtube.  It sounded good even over the speakers hooked up to my computer.
Hi corelli, you have lost me, but maybe we are saying the same thing..  From what I have read above it is Tekton's stated comment that the dust covers imploded because of the pressures from shipping.  I think that they will make it right. 
I'm with LP on this.  Not quite sure how a ported speaker could develop the pressure to collapse a dust cap on a truck, but I am a noobie in many ways.  I think Eric can replace porscheracer's  woofers and send the dented dust cap woofers to his suppliers for reconing at a really low cost., which I assume he will do.  Reconing a woofer is quite inexpensive in the grand scheme of things.
Hey Kenny, I did realize that the woofer did not need to be reconed, but just don't know if Eric is on board with how easy it is "cutting the glue joint between the cap and cone".  Easy for you, but not so sure in practice.Jetter

333jeffery, that is very strange that the dust caps could crumble in without without someone accidently poking them or perhaps extreme humidity wetting them to the point of collapse. And thanks Kenny
paradisle, you probably have already seen it, but in case not there is a you tube of the DIs being driven by the Doge Prima Donna 88.  It sounds very nice, as does James w514 video with his ModWright.  I would love either amp.  I believe these are the only two DI you tube videos of them actually playing.

Do I remember right that someone mentioned the price of the DI SE is $6k?


Dynaco ST 70, the largest selling tube amp of all time.  Still being used and modded by thousands if not 10s of thousands.   A purity of tone all its own. 


If anyone thinks so, I am not a DI basher whatsoever.  In fact, I think the two DI demonstrations that are on you tube where the DIs are playing music sound wonderful, even through my computer system.  I have heard several people say, and then just in passing, that they do not think the DIs sound as good as $30,000 speakers, and who cares what they say?  But, just for myself, I have not heard or read anywhere that they can't be that good just because they only cost $3,000, but I only read A'gon.

actually, your critique of granny’s review was slightly over the top. I know granny has no skin in the game and I have read many of his delightful and always polite posts. And he said the speakers were great, just not his cup of tea. The idea that a speaker with a number of tweeter sized drivers used for the midrange might have a "slight" forward tilt does not seem out of the range of possibility.
It's of no concern to me, but Tekton's first explanation of why they won't release information regarding the speaker driver type doesn't make total sense.  If a competitor wanted to learn about the speaker and its drivers, they would just buy a pair and take them apart.  The second explanation makes sense though, if drivers are going to be changed over time, purchasers may prefer the newer or original driver better and wish they had the other.   
agree with you, why bother to give anyone who wants to see or hear the speaker their only chance before buying it.  After all, it must be expensive to buy a room or booth. 
james, that would be true if you weren’t talking about a one hundred pound speaker. I would hesitate with that kind of unwieldy weight.
evolvist, I am sorry to hear about your unfortunate situation with the DI/Encores. I know from your posts how much you were looking forward to the Encores.
I think it would be most useful to Tim if persons who have ordered speakers with grills lately can let him know if they are being delivered with the speakers, and if not the wait time nowadays to receive them.
Hi estuardo4, just an idea.  If I was in your position and out of the U.S., I think I would volunteer to pay extra and have the PS speakers boxed in a DI or similar larger box with a lot of extra packing material, or better yet, to see if the regular PS shipping box can be double boxed in another of larger size like a DI, Encore, ULF box.  Again, just an idea.