I notice liquid cables are being talked about a bit at the moment so thought I'd share my experience.

I come from a somewhat cable sceptic background. After playing with modest cables I felt there were differences but it was all pretty subtle. The best I came across were Anti-cables which with everything I've seen seemed to offer slightly greater clarity. They've stayed in my system for the past 3 years as it's evolved.

I run an Emm Labs, Muse amp (very underrated)and Kharma speakers with just an XLR between the electronics. I was offered the opportunity to try a Teo XLR in an unfamiliar system a little while ago and was surprised at the difference it made so at the earliest opportunity I tried them in mine.

I've had them for over a week now and have been surprised at just how big a difference they've made. In a system that I've been very happy with the greater decay and body to notes is a revelation. They've added a more natural perspective that I didn't know I was missing. Very impressive.

Showing 17 responses by essentialaudio

I bought the TEO cables from the manufacturer in Canada.
No you didn't. You bought them from Bob. And you still haven't described what you bought.

I'm done. You win.
Since raisins contain antioxidants, are they beneficial to signal flow and maintaining clean connections? Can I throw away the ProGold?

Something to chew on.
Tbg, the ParaHelios (aka Reference) cables are very expensive, however your statement is not correct. The 2m pair of speaker cables demonstrated are $28,000, while a 1m pair of RCA interconnects are $15,000. The Standard series cables are far less, especially the interconnects ($2995), and the new entry level ApheHelios interconnects (RCA) are $1000 for a 1m pair. Anyone wanting a complete price list is welcome to contact me.

The cables are selling well, including the ParaHelios series.

In the end, looking past the price tags, what matters is how it sounds and whether it delivers the music and makes you want to listen longer.

Teo Audio dealer.

Brian Walsh
Glory wrote:
All models are built the same and sound the same.
Not actually so. They all use the same patent-pending alloy of metals which is in the liquid state, but the gauge and number of conductors varies somewhat, along with the rest of the construction. It is true the various models are cut from the same cloth sonically, but as one might expect there are some differences between the various series.
Musicxyz, my sources firmly indicate you are Bob, the former Canadian distributor (for a short time), and that you had just one pair of cables, and I know where those cables wound up and what they were.

The puppet show is over.
It is a proprietary patent pending alloy of gallium, indium, and tin. Do a web search for the trade name Galinstan, which is somewhat similar but not the same.
Musicxyz, if you're adventurous enough to cut one open, be prepared to throw it away and surely be frustrated that you can't figure out what they've done. Take my word for it, there's the liquid metal conductor material in small teflon tubing, various damping materials, etc., and the terminations which involve barbs that contact the conductor material in the tubes at one end and the terminating connector at the other.
Musicxyz, I know for a fact that Glory owns the Teo Audio cables, so your suggestion that he doesn't is off base.
I bought my cables directly from the manufacturer in Italy
Teo Audio has always been in Canada, and you should know that, given your relationship with the former Canadian distributor. So how do you explain what you said? And without details on exactly what cables you claim to have purchased, there is no way of knowing what if anything you did.
When you have tested as many cables as I have over a 30 year period with a proper scoring system
All it sounds like is an unsubstantiated assertion you keep repeating ad nauseum to add credibility to what you say.
Anyone wanting to know who visited the Teo Audio partner's home in the manner described above by Musicxyz and what quantity was purchased, independent of anything I have posted, can contact Teo Audio direct at the email address given on the 'about' page of their website, to independently verify what I have said.
Liquid metal refers to the patent-pending alloy of gallium, indium, and tin used for the conductor material which is in the liquid state at room temperature and well below. Its consistency is rather similar to liquid mercury, without the environmental concerns. Information is available on Galinstan, which is similar to the material used by Teo Audio. I provided this information above.

I asked Musicxyz to substantiate his claims, but he has not done so. That is not discrediting someone, although you may see it differently. Pursuing the facts, I did not call him a liar, but he has resorted to calling me one:
I really don’t have time to play your game but you should stop making up stories.
If you make up stories you should be ready to back your lies.
Please see my previous post for a separate point of reference regarding facts.

And while you are correct saying I have an interest in Teo Audio as a dealer, they are by no means the only cables I sell and like very much.
Sabai, please read the previous posts for information on the liquid metal conductor material and to see who has called whom a liar. Those who resort to name calling tend to have something to hide.
03-20-12: Musicxyz
I not really sure who you are but I know where and who I bought the TEO cables from. I meet the owner Ken who was driving a M5 and Taras. They meet me at Taras farm house just outside of Kingston Ontario.
Taras wrote:
In all the time that TEO Audio has been in existence there has been only one instance in which someone has come to my home and bought cables. That one instance had Bob Neill visit us to sign a distribution agreement to sell TEO Audio to dealers in Canada (it should perhaps be noted at this time that the agreement that was signed at that time was in very short order terminated by TEO Audio) During that visit Bob Neill, who is the owner of Worldwide Wholesales, bought only one (1) pair of cables. These cables were a set of our PDL series RCA terminated inter-connects, which at that point was our entry level cable (at that point TEO Audio had three cables in our catalog, the PDL, the SPDL and the Standard...the Reference which seems to be referred to at times in this thread was still in development and was not yet completed...and certainly never heard by Bob Neill).

It should also be noted at this present time that Bob Neill and/or Worldwide Wholesales is also the Canadian distributor of HiDiamond cables and Zu products (please see links listed below)
Thank you for the clarification.
Cue The Police:

Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I'll be watching you

Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I'll be watching you

Oh can't you see
You belong to me
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take

Every move you make
And every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I'll be watching you

...et cetera...
Joncourage, a 1m pair of balanced (XLR) Standard Mk II interconnects retails for $4200.
Joncourage: Yes, some retailers offer home trials, much as I have done with Klinerm. Please feel free to contact me for info.
Jim (Hornguys), the products speak for themselves. That I've sold quite a few, including several sets of speaker cables, demonstrates that some feel they are well worth it. You'll be hearing a lot more from Teo Audio.
Hornguys, your post raises some questions.

- Specifically, what model(s) of cables did you audition? Were they the current Mk II version, which are a substantial improvement over Mk I? Teo Audio has offered free upgrades of Mk I cables for my customers -- try getting that from other manufacturers.

- For what length of time did you audition them? Did you order them from Teo Audio, or did someone send them to you to try, since you said "I sent them back"?

Since you didn't audition the speaker cables I don't know how you can comment on their value. Further, there are other cables out there in the same price range.

Not long ago you posted to this thread, in which you also praised the cables' performance.

Brian Walsh