The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Reading MrT's posts, I believe, is a very satisfying experience. Self satisfying that is! :-)

Most professors love to publish. Even if they have to pay for the publication themselves and print only a few works. Hard habit to break. Then they retire. And this forum is free. Unfortunately you can't equate eagerness to publish with having something of public interest.

Give the guy a break - we all pack it in sooner or later. Maybe you're next!
MrT never fails to delight me. In one sense he always points out the obvious. We would have to be utter fools or simply nutheads not to know, that most of our judgements are subjective, in another sense he is just a tad off the mark, because if we take unamplified, live music as as our benchmark, (pace TEE, I know also this could be argued to be subjective ) then that piece of gear which renders a sound closest to this, lets music come forth as close as possible to REAL music, can - within the range of the speakers we are familiar with - truly be considered "best" among its rivals.
I've just listended to Dr. Roger West's latest Ultimate speakers. They are not my "favourites", because being so huge, they visually screw up my listening room, however they came closer to the real thing than anything I've heard so far with all different kinds of music, both digital and analog. Not absolute best of course, because I haven't listened to all speaker systems on earth, but certainly the best of all stators ever and closer to real music than anything I've heard before.
Sound Lab A1's are for the money my all time favorites. With the right type of amplification of course tube they provide a very natural tonal balance, amazing bass, there very detailed, delicate, dynamic they do it all. Highly recommended. Kevin
Tbg, no I don't. Friends of mine have, so I'm very familiar with their sound and I like them. What I have however, and most probably you've got the idea from there, is a a pair of aCapella plasma tweeters sitting on top of my Quads.

Ohjoy, I couldn't agree more and in spades of course. I always thought that the Ultimates must be good. Albert Porter of these pages had them for a long time a few years back, but I never thought that there were THAT good....