
Responses from ohjoy40

Airtight vs My Sonic Lab
I know this thread is old but wanted to post my comments on these two outstanding cartridges.  Certainly two of the best sounding cartridges i have heard to date,  i have listened to both extensively, no not on the same systems but i have extensiv... 
Airtight vs My Sonic Lab
I know this thread is old but wanted to post my comments on these two outstanding cartridges.  Certainly two of the best sounding cartridges i have heard to date,  i have listened to both extensively, no not on the same systems but i have extensiv... 
What is the perferred material for a TT shelf?
I use to think granite was a good material, then switched to thick Maple blocks.  They sound much more natural, and still has the dynamics, and speed that granite provides.  So yes Maple is currently still my favorite material.  Obviously what eve... 
Yet another hum question (yes, I know - and I DID search the forums first)
Now there can be a number of things that can cause hums in a system, but the most common ground loop issue is from two or more components in a system that are different phases of the AC line and sharing a common ground.  Your home has 220v coming ... 
Request for assistance please room treatment
First thing I recommend is with only the things that have to be in the room play and finalize speaker position. You cannot position speakers in a room with room treatment. You will find that when you get the best overall sound the room will have t... 
Aesthetix IO Signature upgrade path?
Good information thank you Mr. PorterWe were trying to do the upgrade without having to spend the crazy amount thier asking. I think were also wanting to ether go back to the original resistors or something else, we both feel the resistor change w... 
Aesthetix IO Signature upgrade path?
Hello Mr. PorterI did talk to Glen and tried to pick his brain a bit to see what is entailed with the upgrade, as I was trying to see if I can just replace the caps. I read on one of the pages what all is involved in the signiture upgrade, both th... 
Orig. Well Tempered Record Player - 2 Questions?
Yes you want to make sure the lines are exactly tensioned so the cup is not touching the sides and level. The amount of fluid is determined by the sound you want and the cartridge being used. You want to start with just enough silicone to cover th... 
does a subwoofer kill stereo sound?
Well first its important to understand bass is stereo not mono, and one subwoofer (unless its crossed over very low to complement a full range speaker) will collapse the soundstage. Thier really are two options, of course getting a full range spea... 
2 Channel Speaker Placement Need Help
Getting speaker placement right takes some time and patience. I do recommend trying to get speaker placement right without any room treatment first, for when you get the speakers in the best location you will notice less room interaction. Also you... 
Aesthetix IO Signature upgrade path?
Hello allDoes anyone know if its absolutely nescesary to do the signature upgrade through Aesthetix or can I just do the cap upgrades myself. I know they says there is a resistor mod that is also needed can anyone let me know it that is true ? Tha... 
Goldmund Reference Turntable ?
Ahhh thank you so much Nandric that is very nice of you. I will start to go through the table and first see what it needs and start cleaning it up. I hate to sell as is as I know we can get more for it if its in good working and cosmetic condition... 
Goldmund Reference Turntable ?
Well lol sorry i just checked back from being busy and see all these nice posts, thank you all very much. Some really good info and suggestions. I have to tell you all I just picked up the table on consignment for a customer and will help him sell... 
Speaker break in: changes in sound question
Keep in mind not only are you breaking in the drivers themselves but also the crossover components and wiring. Generally speaking you will hear a top to bottom difference in sound quality. Bass usually will have more extension, but will be less da... 
Phono Pre-amp Hum
Well there can be a number of different reasons you get hum, and will take a little investigating but I can certainly help you. I have designed and setup some of the very finest in home audio video systems so I have alot of experiance in this area...