The Naim sound....vs. Bryston,creek,etc....

Contemplating auditioning the Naim 5i intergrated...looking for a very lively, open, and musical presentation....have a laid back amp the legendary NAIM sound the answer? Would the 5i drive a 4ohm load in a medium sized room?
Also considering the Bryston b-60...Or the Creek 5350(?)
I tried Bryston before and other brands also, such as Sonic Frontiers, Quad, Musical Fidelity... and I kept changing my system before until 4 years ago I moved to Naim. Now I only change my system if I upgrade to higher models of Naim.

Maybe Naim is not perfect for some listeners according some so called standards which I actually don't realize on Naim at all, but Naim really impresses me in that it makes me so inside the music that I totally forget my existence while I am listening to it. Some people said Naim is poison and it makes you so addictive to it. That's true.
Now understand I have not heard these,but I do have a Atoll pr200 pre amp.It is outstanding and value second to none,Check out this company,They sell integrated amps at very decent prices,and quite frankly I dont know how they do ,do it.My feeling is for what they sell if it was coming from a company in the states the price would be marked up quite a bit more then what Atoll sells for.I have heard that Atoll can be a bit bright,whatever that means,and when you consider all the variables,please write and let me know where I can find the perfect system,I will be waiting for quite some time.
I am quite familiar with the NAIM sound (new and old) and it is a great option at a reasonable price (taking of the 5i here).

You cant go wrong, match it properly (Monitor Audio or Spendor spkrs) and you will be all set,
I think the Naim sound is fab. It sounds just like what you are seeking.
I have owned much hifi over the years, Naim is the only one that I keep comming back to. I have seperates now, but have had a Nait 5i, it's superb. Naim plays music. I know the phrase is overdone, but the PRaT is definately there.
Your feet will be tapping w/o you even realizing it.
Naim holds the resale value just about better than any other gear, and service is second to none.
I am going to participate on a gathering, and the main gear of choice will be Naim. The expensive separate ones etc... This will be in 1 week.

From other people I know, people who are into various things such as SET and SS, large speakers, the last time they heard a simple Naim system, with the Nait 5, people were surprised at the accuracy and exciting sound that it produced paired simply with a Naim CDP and a pair of NEAT speakers.

The old Naim is history, the newer Nait gear and its sound is as different as the looks of the Naim gear.

I will let you know what I hear in this Naim based audiorave.

I would seriously look at the Blue Circle CS.

It is VERY musical, and sounds like just what you are after.
I love mine very much.

Check out some of the reviews at

naim sound very musical, rythmic, open much different than bryston. must have speakers that are fairly effient however.sound you either love or hate!
Naim is lively but the colorations / lack of tranparency got to me. It quickly ran out of steam if you really wanted to "crank it" with Nautilus 804's in medium room.
Creek is okay but again does not have a lot of power. Interesting review mentioned how "passive pre" integrateds lack bass dynamics and definition. I found this the case with Creek. But superbly musical with A50 and Epos M15 (which have no power-robbing x-over and easy load).
I liked the Musical Fidleity A300 150wpc integrated way better than Creek 5350 in side by side with N804's. Maybe Creek is more tranparent but it did not have the power to get the job done other than little 2-ways IMHO.
I've been greatly interested in the Portal Audio Panache for $1,795. But no remote. They offer a 30 day trial period.
Also Brinkman is high on my "interested" list but costs over $3,000.