The truth about why modern music is so awful.
An eye opener 20 minute video, worth every second.
Enjoy!  and gotta love the guy's accent... :-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


Showing 1 response by jbhiller

I have to agree with much that is in the video.  On some level, this has been going on for a long time. I think it just got progressively worse and we are at a tipping point--into realization and backlash by consumers OR acquiescence into it further with the potential for great damage to be done (maybe quasi-permanent damage that could take another generation or two to recover from). 

If we like and use the fast food analogy, it took a generation for that vehicle of food delivery to be rejected by a larger chunk (but still adopted by a big chunk) of consumers.  

Some of this is certainly subjective.  Some of the subjective conclusions are backed by partially objective evidence.  That said, I think we've crossed a point where we can say, with intellectual honesty, that the music industry is fine, the quality of pop music is as good as it ever was, and that there is substantial diversity in pop music.  It is, however, true that you can search out stuff to find quality and bright spots in music.  The fact of the matter is--to me--that the searching out requires more diligence and the overall status of Western popular music is not as healthy as it was from the 1920s through the early 1990s.