Thoughts on best budget phono pre-amp under $400?

Looking for opinions and thoughts on best phono pre-amp under $400 used.
Will be used with a ClearAudio emotion 4 table and ClearAudio Artist V2 mm cart.
Ones I have looked at so far are Vincent pho-8, Creek obh-15, Lounge Audio mk3.
Hopefully get some solid advice and suggestions from actual users.
Listen mainly to modern rock and some classic rock, think A7X, Yes, Rush, Audioslave etc.
Thank you in advance and happy thanksgiving to all!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz

Showing 7 responses by uberwaltz

I like the idea behind the nighthawk, running off a battery to ensure zero ac line noise.
However$795 is over my budget and Not found any used ones right now.
But thank you as certainly looks like a nice piece.
Both the Budgie and the Vista models look interesting and both in budget even at new prices.
Undecided if I truly need the ability to tailor load and gain but nice to have the option.
Another one I came across was the iFi.

At present I am using an ultra budget cambridge audio 551p which with my cart and table actually sounds pretty darn good to my ears.
Fortunately I know my solder skills.... Absolutely zero!
Heard good things but assembly when it comes to soldering...quack,quack,oops.
Thank you Al.!
That info is extremely useful and will make a big difference in my research.
Happy thanksgiving!
Lots and lots of great choices for sure, which just leaves me even more
I have to say I am an occasional vinyl listener as main source now is mostly Tidal or ripped music from my Bluesound Vault 2. But when I do listen I want it to be as good as my budget allows.
I am still pretty impressed with the little Azur 551p I am using tbh, and looked up its replacement the Cambridge Audio cp2 which the needledoctor has on sale for 179 free shipping brand new!
Anybody have any experience with that unit at all?
Many thanks to all who posted.
I had never heard of the majority of the products mentioned but far wiser now.
Going of your input, subsequent research and Als capacitance note I decided to buy the dynavector p75 mk3 from the ad here on agon that a poster was kind enough to provide.
Now just have to wait until its arrival and start playing with different settings until my ears are happy.
Again thanks to all!

I have not been able to try yet as my new table arrived but it had xlr connectors.
So still waiting for a set of xlr to RCA adapters to arrive so I can give it a test drive.