Thoughts on Egglestonworks Andra II

Listened to a pair recently and was really impressed.
I just have never heard much about them. How do they compare to say the Wilson Watt pupps?

Showing 3 responses by audioblazer

Hi 1markr,teajay,luke72, jayctoy. I knw this thread was started a mth ago and i m behind time. However, recently I came across eggleston andra II and found it so beautiful. Heard it driven by passlab amplifiers. Found that the bass is so powerful that the midrange is totally overwhelm. Wonder what u guys think about what I heard. Need your advise. Is keen to buy for its look absolutely gorgeous. However I m not sure whether my unison research S8 SET with 24watts ( recommended wattage to drive andra is 30watt and above)can drive it. My system consist of transparent reference speaker cable, reference power cord, reference interconnect, BDR cone, transparent PIXL , exact powerconditioner and unison research tube Unico CD. Considering buying either VPI HRx or Kuzma reference turntable. Currently using a Gyrodec SE. System is in my apartment living room. To the right of the speaker is a sliding glass door with curtain, 2ft away. On the left is my living hall which is about 35ft long. Listening position is about 12 ft from the speaker. The speaker is place about 3.5 ft from the back wall. Thanks in advance. Happy listening
Happy New Year Everybody. 2006 shld be an exciting yr for Audiogoner. looks like I won't go for andra if its need so much watt with its low sensitivity despite the attractive offer by the dealer. even if I change to conrad power amp(140watts) I m not sure it will sound good. With this I have decided to buy VR4sr. TQ for your response. happy listening