Thoughts on Krell FPB series? 600 in particular.

Or the 300 as well.
Will be using it to power a pair of Thiel 3.6s and Maggie 2.7QR some of the time. Currently have a Classe CA-200. I'm looking for more slam and I'm thinking the extra power will result in a less constricted soundstage (more open). Is my thinking right?

How about the CX series? 300CX or 400CX

Associated equipment: Wadia 850, ARC LS-2B, Cardas and PAD cables.

Showing 5 responses by dave_72

It was good for its time, but now we got the $12k Dan D'Agostino Master Power Classic Stereo amp. It should outperform the old Krells, at least most of them. We'll see what happens.
I just heard that driving some Avalon's - it's a different sound to the old Krells at least the FPB cast series. It is smoother on the top and more open sounding and resolving with slightly more body but it doesn't have the bass slam. There is more bass texture in its place. I think nothing I've heard has the bass slam and grunt of those old Krells.

Lucky you! I haven't heard it yet, how does it look? I see, well thanks for your short review.

There's also the BSC amps from Dan's son Bret if you like the old Krell sound. I'd like to hear those too.
Mikey8811: I forgot to say something regarding the new D'Agostino $12k amp vs. old Krells; better than nothing! I'd rather get the D'Agostino instead of non D'Agostino Krell. No D'Agostino, no Krell. :D