Thoughts on the Belles MB-01 class A monoblocks?

I was just wondering if any fellow audiophiles have an opinion/experience with these fine Belles MB-01 class A Monoblock amplifiers vs other class A models, such as Clayton, Pass, and Karan.

One thing I have heard about Clayton is that they are prone to hum/and possibly ground loops. Other than equipment failure, few other things disturb me as much :)

Thanks in advance for your thoughts


Showing 1 response by audiobrian

Starcon; thanks so much for reporting on your audition.
I'm surprised that the MB-01's did not drive the 4 ohm load of the GP's to your satisfaction. Would you advise the Belles MB 200 for speakers of 4 ohm or less?

Class A solid state is very confusing to me. How Clayton and Karan get 200-400 watts class A out of their designs, while Mr Belles, with huge power supplies and 20 mosfets/channel gets 75-80 wpc class A, as does Pass Labs, Accuphase and Luxman, remains unexplained. Perhaps some marketing hype with Clayton/Karan which may not be class A all the way to rated power..despite their disrespect intended to these fine manufacturers:)

The Vitus are supposed to be great, but considerably more expensive, and also of 100 watts or less in class A, the 100 watters, 40-50K??...honest watts IMHO.