Thoughts on Threshold Forte Model 3 Nelson Pass

Hi. I have an opportunity to buy a Forte Model 3, allegedly in great shape, for $350.00 including shipping. Any thoughts on this SS amp?? I'm currently using an Adcom GFA-555, which sports the same 200 wpc (I have to drive needy 4 ohm KEF Reference speakers), but I'm wondering if the Nelson Pass "pedigree" isn't worth switching for. I'm thinking I can sell the Adcom for the $350, so.... Thoughts, experts?? -David

Showing 1 response by johnnyb53

09-13-08: Klipschking
Does anyone have a suggestion for a reasonable remote-operated preamp or preamp/tuner that will pair well with the Forte?
Although I have no direct experience with it, I have heard from a guy whose ears and evaluations I trust that the Parasound Classic 2100 is an excellent $500-600 remote-controlled preamp. Having had a Forte 3 in my house for awhile, the Parasound should be easily up to the task. It even has a decent phono stage in it.