Tom Cruise

In the wake of audiophiles Tom Cruise and Jimmy Fallon discussing audio systems on the Tonight Show, be sure and catch the scene in the new Mission Impossible movie where Cruise searches for a John Coltrane LP in a record shop.
And then there is Jerry Maguire when the jazz religious babysitter gives a cassette of Coltrane to Jerry and he plays it with the Renee Zelwinger character during a tender love scene and asks "what is this" in an I don't get it way, turns it off and the scene goes to the soundtrack score. Maybe Cruise got into Coltrane after playing that character in that scene, kind of a turn of taste or a revelation of the music of Coltrane, who knows but Tom.
And now Fallon has a vinyl listening room do to the fact Cruise told Fallon what to buy. It would be Interesting to know what he has.
I remember ages ago, I was in a high end stereo store in Westwood looking at something and discussing it with the dealer in detail and Tom Cruise came in with his stunning girlfriend at the time.

This was LA and entertainers are a dime a dozen here so no one flips out when one walks in.

He stood and listened to us talk for awhile and then came over and asked me some questions about the equipment. I talked to him for a few moments and also told him I didn't work there. We still talked.

He knows high end audio and audio equipment quite well and was a very approachable guy. He also knows high end motorcycles well.

just a short story about Tom Cruise.

Excellent stories All-

the high-end can use more endorsements via Cruise/Fallon.
Let us not forget TC's character in "Risky Business".
The father had a high-end system, although it is hard to
discern the components. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Do you guys remember when people actually aspired to own a nice stereo system? It was like owning a nice car.
The celebrity, if you can call him that, most into hi-fi is a musical performer/writer, the sound of who's whose work would seem to make him an unlikely candidate for a high-end system (no snobbery here, just sayin';-): Henry Rollins. He has a pair of the big Wilsons powered by big VTL amps, with commensurate sources, bought from and installed by Brian Berdan in Henry's Rock Star mansion.
I stopped by my local supermarket to find a bright yellow Lambo parked immediately in front of the entrance/fire zone no parking zone. When I asked a clerk who parked like that, he pointed to Tom who was picking up some groceries for his mountain top home. I was told "he always does that"
I know us mortals hate activities like that. Unfortunately the rich feel they are above the law. And most of the time they get away with that crap.
There's always been a two tiered justice system, whether it's enforced or just simply taken. Many years ago (so it's safe to talk about it now) my dad used to work for the motion picture industry and knew a guy who actually committed murder. It cost him his entire savings, home, assests and toys but he walked.

Before the recriminations start, I didn't know the guy, his name (but was told I met him) and it was long after the fact. Life can be brutish, painful and short unless you have the cash.

All the best,
I'd like to add that in no way do I mean to say there is any kind of parity between illegal parking and murder or that it denotes a slippery slope of any kind. I'm sure Tom Cruise is a very likable and well intentioned individual who simply doesn't want to deal with dings in the doors of his Lambo.

All the best,
No one wants door dings in their Lambo. It still doesn't give you the right to park illegally.
To say Justice in US is two-tiered is too big an understatement .
Its more like two-planeted .
But rich do never commit serious crime, at least if you go by the number executed since 1640, zero .
08-10-15: Schubert
To say Justice in US is two-tiered is too big an understatement .
Its more like two-planeted .
But rich do never commit serious crime, at least if you go by the number executed since 1640, zero .
That's life in the BIG city NOT isolated to the US. Money talks and BS walks!
True, Knghifi, but there are countries where it is not the case.
And the USA makes the biggest noise about truth and justice etc .
08-10-15: Schubert
True, Knghifi, but there are countries where it is not the case.
And the USA makes the biggest noise about truth and justice etc .
Where? Your beloved Germany? Heaven?
Most of northern Europe .
In Sweden the law is one DUI and you lose your license for life .
A Prime Minister of Sweden received a DUI in Stockholm and never drove again till his death 20-odd years later.
A recent US President received dozens of DUI's and his license was suspended for zero days .
It's all how a culture values life. In America, it's not uncommon for a motorist to hit a motorcyclist and simply say he/she didn't see him which absolves them of some, if not most, responsibility. In Japan, if you do that, it's an admission of guilt and off to jail you go. The way they see it over there, if you have a license to drive a car, you are held to a strict standard of accountability that comes with the license.

All the best,
"A Prime Minister of Sweden received a DUI in Stockholm and never drove again till his death 20-odd years later."

So he finally got to drive again in the afterlife? Good for him....

"A recent US President received dozens of DUI's and his license was suspended for zero days ."

Sorry, but I'm going to have to call bulls*&t on this one until you can produce further evidence.

Some people do certain things like parking in handicapped zones because people or the store/establishment won't report them. If the store reported it, that car would have been towed and that would have ended that behavior. If the store/establishment knew. Which, from what I read above, they did. If you see something, say something. But, most people ignore bad behavior and simply mumble something and walk away. I don't think is was about door dings and more about not getting the store stolen. Handicapped spots are directly in front of the stores.

I've also seen very expensive cars park wayyy out in the lot away from every other car only to come out later and one person just had to park right next to it. no other cars near.

Point is there are jerks on both sides.

Get your car towed once in LA and you won't do that again. It is a real pain to get your cars back.

The ticket writer and tow truck drivers don't know and couldn't care less who the car belongs to. They will write the ticket and tow the car. Police can run the license plates. Not ticket writers or tow truck drivers.

The best thing to do is not confront the car owner, but go complain to the store/establishment owner/manager.

Anyway, my rant. It goes both ways.

I meant to write, "not getting the car stolen".

Boy, I really need spell check.

LOL, I imagine you are right.

"Dozens of DUIs"? Really? And a president at that.

I was born at night.......well you know the rest....

I could only find two instances, online, where there's a photocopy of Bush's dui record. One was in Maine and the other in Texas. How many warnings and rides home he got is anecdotal. Both times they were reported by the media, including that one called FOX.

All the best,
"I'll bet Tom and Jimmy are looking at this silly thread and laughing."

I will take some of that action.....

All sitting U.S. Presidents don't drive their own cars. All former U.S. Presidents are provided lifetime Secret Service protection which includes a driver. Not sure how a former U.S. President accumulates "dozens" of DUI's?
Let's put this in perspective, Brf. Can you think of anyone, anyone at all, that has had "dozens" of DUI arrests? Now add to that the notoriety of being a former U.S. president (or anyone recognizable) and you see how ridiculous that statement was.

Schubert was talking out of his a*&, and when called on it, suddenly disappears.

08-12-15: Isochronism
Schubert will explain himself after you GET OFF HIS LAWN!!!!!!!! :)
Shakey, how's OCCUPY SCHUBERT LAWN going? You're a reflection of this IMPERIAL UNJUST BIG BAD country. LOL!!!