Top 2009 recordings

This is a bit late, but indulge me if its been covered. Looking back at last year I realized I didn't do enough listening for a variety of lame reasons, mostly starting with a "w". My resolution this year is to find at least one new recording a week for 2010 so that won't happen again. However, I still missed a bunch from last year. So what are your favorite recordings released last year?

Showing 1 response by tomcy6

These probably do not fall under the audiophile recording category but The Allman Brothers sell recordings of some of their concerts on their Hittin' The Note website.

The band celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2009 and dedicated their run at the Beacon Theatre to the memory of Duane. A number of well known artists sat in with them but I would recommend the shows from March 19th and 20th when Eric Clapton sat in for 6 or 7 songs and they played some tunes from Layla. Great stuff!