Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures

I am putting together a new 2 channel system! I am looking for a new pair of speakers and my budget is around $7000. This thread has to deal only with the Totem Acoustic Forest Signatures!!!!!!  I have always been a fan of Totem Acoustic and love the Totem sound.  I have owned almost all their speakers except for the element series and the Forest Signatures. I have been trying to find reviews on the signatures but can't find anything useful so I am turning to the Audiogon crowd.

Has anyone demoed these or does anyone currently own a pair or owned a pair in the past that can give some useful insight? I don't listen to my music at high volumes and my music mainly consists of R&B from the 50's till now.

The speakers will be hooked up to the following - Hegel H360 integrated 
- Hegel Cdp4a CD player 
- Audioquest Wild Blue Yonder interconnects
- Audioquest Wild Wood speaker cable
- Audioquest Wel Signature power cables
- Shunyata MPC12A power conditioner but looking to upgrade to their new Denali series.

Showing 29 responses by dave_b

To be honest, I let my Mahogany Signatures go a few months back and brought in Focal Kanta no 2’s .  After a couple months I had withdrawals like a crack addict ...I needed my Signatures back bad!!!!  Ordered the Cherry finish second time around 🤗. I will be buried with the Forest Sig’s
The Forest Signature speakers need power to bring out their exceptional dynamic range and robust bottom end.  The Krell delivers great body, weight and detail without sounding clinical.  Soundstaging is superb as well with excellent tone.
Fired up my Rift Cherry Signatures this morning with new MIT Matrix HD 36 Proline IC’s and HD38 speaker cables...wowzer!!  So warm, liquid and dynamic with tremendous bass weight and midrange fullness.  Not even broken in...amazing.  Makes me appreciate my Krell Vanguard and Yamaha Reference CDP even more.  So involving and most of all they transport me to another place:))
I have single runs of the HD38’s with Magnum jumpers.  Also have NBS custom jumpers for a different flavor when desired.  Used Bi-Wire in past but single run seems to offer a bolder bottom end and midrange, plus I can change upper frequencies with alternate jumpers.  I’ll have to check out Toni Levin!
Nice Nutty!  I can’t believe how the Signatures put out such a dynamic, deep sound with such a huge cavernous soundstage...they have a presence like my old Wilson WP 6’s had but more musical!!
Plenty of power Schubert, you should be fine.  400 into 4ohms is definitely not overkill.  I have a special relationship with my dealer, so not sure he could do as much off for you.  Let’s just say $650 off should be a no brainer.  My dealer was Surround Sounds, Exton, pa.  Ron is the owner.  Good luck...drop my name if you want.
Joss is great!  Allison Krause and Holy Cole also superb.  My cables and speakers are loosening up more and smoothing out...midrange is sounding fuller and low level details are popping out, plus dynamics are improving as well!!  Just amazing speakers 🔊 
Approaching 150 hours!  Cables need over 330 hours alone...but oh what fun.

As for the winds, they needed tons of power...used a Krell FPB 400cx and KCT preamp!  Should have kept that rig, damn ;(
That being said, the Forest Signatures are more refined and insightful with more expression.  The Winds could play louder, but not better .

I know of UK as well :))
Definitely will play them fairly well in a modest size room.  They are revealing so you will hear everything, which means more excitement and snap!  Soundstage is holographic with great micro and macro dynamics.  They are very open and play cleanly...if they would sound rough when pushed then you need more power.
Nutty, the platforms should make a huge improvement!  Should warm things up and allow for a more relaxed midrange and smoother treble.  Detail should be better and more well integrated into the soundstage, which should also be enhanced.  Low level information will also be more evident!
At The Rock last night...BTS!!  Awesome show with a positive message.  Don’t think my Forest Signatures could quite handle the dynamics of their live show!
Welcome strat1117!  My experiences are similar to yours...the Sig’s are special indeed.  I have found the MIT cables to be an extremely musical choice as well.  Keep on posting and enjoy the music 🎶 
Black light Syndrome is excellent!  Title track is my the groove.  Loved King Crimson with Levin...Discipline was awesome!
Check out Three of a Perfect Pair by King Crimson and turn it up...may be the best progressive rock song ever written!!
I’ve been busy lately...gotta pull some stuff out of the archives to share !  Wireworld’s seem to do it for you...congrats.
Audiophile...heal thy self!  Good job answering your own question NSC   BREAKING IN A NEW PC!!!  Anticables Reference...sounds very sexy and warm on my Krell Vanguard.  Don’t think I could stand a more Class A sound than what I’m hearing now.