Totem Forest Signature -or- Spendor D7

I have my list narrowed to these two speakers, but I'm feeling conflicted. Which way do I go?? And fyi, I'm not interested in any others right now, only choice is between the two listed above please.

I know these questions will be asked so I'll answer them right now.
Room size- 11x22x7.6 feet. Highly treated with absorption and diffusion. Even the ceiling has both.
Source- Clearaudio Concept TT, MC cart
Phono pre- Jolida JD9 II, modded
Pre amp- Decware CSP3 with factory upgrades
Power amp- Moon W5
Power cables- Acoustic Zen Gargantua II's
Interconnects- Acoustic Zen Silver Reference II
Speaker cables- Acoustic Zen Hologram II Bi-wire (I know the D7's are single input)
Subs- pair of REL T5s
Power isolation- BPT 3.5 Signature
Musical taste, 70s-80s rock, Adult contemporary, some alternative stuff, a little jazz. Not into classical or blues very much. Usually lots of instruments playing at the same time. It can get congested, so need a speaker that can deliver individual instruments in a busy environment.
Another fyi, I will be changing all cabling to Acoustic Zen Absolute as I feel this system will benefit from as much silver cabling as I can give it without be harsh on the top end.

So, "Totem Forest Signatures" or "Spendor D7s"??

Showing 5 responses by zd542

"04-24-15: Audiotroy
The whole post is silly, how can you ask any other person to choose speakers for your ears, and why would you not be open to any other speakers?

You need to listen for yourself with you components if you can not get to a dealer then you need to either travel to a city where you can listen to them or arrange an audition by having the speakers sent to you."

"04-24-15: Bojack
"SPENDORs are great but work best with British electronics for like reasons."

No, no, no…Spendors work "best" with whatever you think sounds best. This statement is the equivalent of saying that German cars drive best with German tires or German fuel. Nope."

Finally. Some common sense.
"04-24-15: Shawnlh
Useless replies are unnecessary."

Only an amateur upstart audiophile would say common sense is unnecessary. Just remember, the system you buy is the system you have to listen to.
Well, I did what you said and read your posts again. It's not that common sense is unnecessary, you just don't have any to begin with.

"I have my list narrowed to these two speakers, but I'm feeling conflicted. Which way do I go?? And fyi, I'm not interested in any others right now, only choice is between the two listed above please."

"Another fyi, I will be changing all cabling to Acoustic Zen Absolute as I feel this system will benefit from as much silver cabling as I can give it without be harsh on the top end."

"04-24-15: Shawnlh
Zd, I actually preferred the left one. Which is weird cause I'm right brained."

"With the Forest Sig out now, it may sound sweeter than the original, I'd assume anyway."

"I think I have answered all questions."

"One word that struck me in one of the posts was "synergy". But I'm not changing pre amps, the Decware stays."

"Useless replies are unnecessary. Thank You"

"Well, I am an amateur, and this is only the second system I've ever put together. If you actually read my posts, you'll see why some so called "common sense" is unnecessary.
Back to topic please."

" I'm thinking your initial post was aimed at getting a comparative critique from experts that have heard both speakers; get some tips on what to listen for in comparing the two. Viewed that way, didn't seem particularly silly to me."

I understand why you would say that, but the truth is no one can do the work for you, expert or otherwise. The OP just wants everyone to pat him on the back and tell him he's making the right choice. That's why he's trying to control the answers he gets, and takes offense to the words common sense.