Trade or not...

My Arcam AVP700 suddenly started turning off by itself. The dealer (that I returned to for repair) has a (original) Proceed AVP that matches my Proceed Amp 5. I borrowed it and love the sound. But it's old. That's why I bought the Arcam instead. Now I am reconsidering. Any help?
Give the Arcam a try. It is one of the best sounding pre/pros for the money. I can understand your frustration though.
ALL Proceed products can be serviced, That said don't look forward to any software upgrades.
I have the PAV/PDSD combo and like it. I recently bought a Krell preamp and will be comparing the 2 for 2 channel sound.
The PAV and AVP are different items. I spoke with Mark Levinson/Proceed recently and they said they can still repair and AVP and/or update it. The maximum price for any job is $850; this would include replacing every part if necessary.
Thanks, I forgot to mention this PAV is a Demo, as was the Amp 5 (dealer hung on to them too long, I guess) Don't know if he's going to be handing me any cash back.

I know the value of this PAV, convincing this dealer is the problem.
make sure the Proceed can still be repaired if it breaks. Ask your dealer where you can get it repaired if need be.

I have both the AVP and the AVP2. I'd ask to return the Arcam for a refund and get an AVP2 used as it has PLII, DTS-ES. That being said, the AVP is still a good sounding unit and if you want to save money, you can ask for the AVP the dealer has and some money back. The AVP should only be 1/2 the cost of the Arcam unit.