Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today

I have a nice audio system and had a great notion to clean all my connections with alcohol and treat all the connections with Deoxit D5.  I did all the fuses as well.  Well, the result is that the system now sounds flat and lifeless as hell... way different than I previously heard.  What's up with this?  I am crestfallen...
"D.W.E. was established in 1986. Our product originated in 1976, from Wright Electroacoustics, where it was based on the R&D work of Wm. M. D. Wright. After several years of field trials, the final product, Stabilant 22™ was introduced by Sumiko Audio, under the trade name TWEEK©."

To the OP, I would advise cleaning all of the caig stuff off of everywhere you put it with isopropyl alcohol. Most likely you inadvertantly used too much and have created a mildly conductive path between signal and ground. Very thorough cleaning with alcohol and wipes/buds & compressed air will restore your system. Then be a good boy and don’t do it again.. ;)
I too learnt the hard way, lol..
This stuff should be supplied in small glass bottles, with a very small brush or swab, not a flippin aerosol that just blasts it everywhere. Idiots.

Caig 'juice' comes in several forms. A small pen like device, A 5% spray. A 5% liquid bottle, A 100% liquid bottle I own the Green, Red and Gold in the 100% bottle/brush form.
Good to know that elizabeth, from memory we could only find spray can here.. Thanks for the info..