
Responses from ps68

Sony PS-X9
:) :)  
Sony PS-X9
Hi,$13k sounds high, Ive seen them sell for around £5k gbp over the years I've been looking..  
Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today
Good to know that elizabeth, from memory we could only find spray can here.. Thanks for the info.. 
Treated my interconnects with Deoxit D5 today
To the OP, I would advise cleaning all of the caig stuff off of everywhere you put it with isopropyl alcohol. Most likely you inadvertantly used too much and have created a mildly conductive path between signal and ground. Very thorough cleaning w... 
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged.
Hi, Yes, it is the lampi anniversary version here: 
Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged.
Hello dangcaonguyen,Excellent news on solving your hum issue, thank you for doing this research for us.. :)Regarding the rectifier, I have tested many, and have a few favourites that to me and friends are stand out options: KR Audio 5u4g being the... 
Piggyback Balanced Power
I agree, try using one for digital. I use 3 in parralell (Symetrica) and digital has a considerable benefit. Series connection I have not tested but would be interested to hear any reports should you try it.. 
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
tkr,Many thanks, I appreciate your views on these arm cart combinations. I have an SME V but still in it's box, intended on fitting a London Ref to it, which I may still do, but also like the Koetsu sound which would work well with my system. Your... 
Which pickup do I sell, which do I keep?
tkr,Another headshell you could perhaps consider is the Nasotec Swing headshell, it is an unusual design but my opinion is it really excels in my SAEC we506, and could in either of your FR's too.I would be ever so grateful if you could describe th... 
SW1X Audio Design DAC II Absolute Top Tier Ref NOS DAC
cleeds,Apologies, I only just saw your post re jitter and balanced power.It is understood that by accurately balancing mains power any residual digital hash / reactive current will sum to zero ie common mode noise rejection. Equitech suggest a red... 
opinions about leaving Audio Technia ART-9 MC for a Ortofon Cadenza bronze mc ?
I changed from Art-9 to Aidas PanzerHolz Diamond last year, the difference is significant in all areas, I think this cart performs well in the 5K league at under 2k. You could consider this also as it will outperform the Bronze too.. 
SW1X Audio Design DAC II Absolute Top Tier Ref NOS DAC
Your balanced power will be dealing with jitter quite happily btw.. Congrats Wig.. 
SW1X Audio Design DAC II Absolute Top Tier Ref NOS DAC
Steve N,This is an enthustiastic review for the SW1X DAC, please refrain from your insessant plugging of your own gear, it does nothing to add to the thread. 
I need a headshell recommendation for Technics 1200 GAE
Another option which I used with an ART-9 is the Nasotec Swing headshell. It may appear quirky but it works very very well.. I sold my 2 SAEC ULS3x shells for 2 of these, and compared it to a Shun Mook recently, and much preferred the Nasotec. Not... 
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used
As others have said, TT is a big factor in the final sound, as is the arm, but for carts you must look into the Aidas Panzerholz Diamond cart. It is quite simply the best value cart available at the moment, and selling at under $2k, it compete's w...