TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know


Showing 29 responses by 711smilin

Guys,I have about 100 hours burn in so far, they are getting musical, but I am having a bit of treble harshness. Any suggestions?
Eric, that would be great, I need to send the Modwright back to Dan for some issues I am having, so, no need to comment as of yet. My APL is with Alex, getting his latest updates. Call me and we will arrange a get together. I look forward to seeing you.
Patience is really not my virtue here, but I am having fun.

BTW, what else is coming?
Guys, thanks for the feedback, I am looking forward to breaking in all my new stuff. Jes45, my Reimer Tetons were delivered yesterday, so I have a few hundred hours to break them in as well. Hopefully Paul will ship my player by tuesday, so I have it by Friday. I will let it burn in for about 10 days, and give it a listen then. I really, really like the fact it is a 5 disk player. I may in fact need 2, if it is that good. I will respect all in that I will not post until the right time.

Lokie, I hope you get your unit working proper, I am sur Paul will make all right. He really seems like a standup guy, and seems genuinely amazed himself on the sonics of this 12 lb wonder. I am sure there are better, but at what cost.

Patience, ok, I guess I will have to be patient.
Jes45, Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am burning the speaker in as I write, they are starting to open up a bit, but, far from what I have heard others sound like. I have been having issues with one of my amps, and just bought a BPT 3.5 sig to try. Along with waiting for my TRL, and Modwright, a few PC's, and interconnects, my system sounds just fine. heh heh. Thank god my PP's and APL are working fine. All is not lost, my glass is just half full right now.
Well, I do ot have my unit yet, and am also waiting on a Modwright 3910 for my HT. I plan on letting my daughter use this for her friends ect. That way she won't be playing with my tubed units. After burning in the unit I will have a little personnal shootout of my own, with my ears, in my system. Boy I will really be playing with myself then. Heh heh.

Alex, chill baby, your APL is the BEST digital I have ever heard, anywhere, at and at any price. As you Know, in the last year I have owned

Shanling T200C
Sony XA777ES
AA Capitole II
MF Tri-Vista
Esoteric DV-50
Xindak SCD-2
Exemplar 2900
Exemplar 3910
EE Minimax
and quite a few other's....I know of only 1 unit that reigns supreme, to me, and that is the APL. I still like variety, as it is the spice of life, plus I love the multi disk aspect for music, but I also love having ALL formats like my 3910. Redbook, SACD, DVD-A, HDCD, and Video. Did I miss anything?

Ain't this obsession a hoot.

Lkdog, I look forward to hearing the TRL and playing with this puppy, and am exited about having the ability to throw in a bunch of discs, to satisfy my LAZY ASS., And my daughters friends dancing feet. I also like to be able to throw a mix of SACD's along with Redbook at the same time. I am sure for critical listening pleasure, I will use the APL, and for multi channel, HT, Video, I will use the Modwright.

So there I go(I think)
The unit definately need time to burn in, the first listen sounded pretty ugly. I will check again in a few days. I put in 3 redbooks and 2 sacd to burn in, and have it o n 2-channel, continuous play. Time will tell, but, I am hopeful. I really got this so my daughter does not play with my APL. And for parties.
Yeah, thats what I figured, I guess I will just have to suffer with my APL. wink wink

Why talk about me this way? I just tell it, the way I hear it. This is a fun journey for me, and I put my money, where my mouth is, not just words, like you. If in fact the TRL is better, in any way than Alex's mods, I will be HAPPY, Floored, astonished, and in no way would I keep it a secret. I am in this for fun, not profit. I would love to get the best digital for 700 bucks. I would be nutz not too. Only time will tell. BTW, since you are a professional modder, who are you?

Best of luck in your journey.
Lkdog, when I read this "Alex-

As another digital mod professional" I thought you were a modder yourself, my mistake, and I apologize for that. OTOH
my opinions regarding the machines I have owned in the past, compared too each other, and presently own, or am waiting to be shipped are in fact REAL opinions with my ears, in my system. I share the views openly. When you guys say I will not be fair, in judgement on future comparisons, I disagree. If the TRL or the Modwright are better, in any way than ny current reference APL. Your gonna hear about it. Why? Cause I am obsessed with digital, and obsessed with HONESTLY telling what I hear.

When I decided to get the TRL, my goal was to have another top notch machine which is musical, less expensive, and multi disk. My play is to have it available to my daughter, so I do not worry about the more expensive units. If, in fact, it is as great as some of you here are telling me. I will be thrilled to report it, and TT Paul about modding other machines for me. I have already put an order in with paul for a pair of amplifiers. I agree he is a GENIOUS, and admire him him greatly. Remember, this is FUN, and is a journey for MUSIC, which sooths the soul.

Hope I have clarified myself a bit more.

Smilin for today
Make mine single malt, cask strength please, oh yeah, straight up,in a snifter....HMMM Hmmmm GOOD. Chears Y'all
I have about 250 hours now, and the unit is sounding very musical, and easy to listen too. It does not seem to give the last bit of detail, or bass extension, or body. The soundstage is large, and deep. The instumentation is good, but lacking air. The vocals are real nice, but, lacking in a bit of dimensionality. All in all, a very good sounding player, that is easy on the ears, also, not analytical like a lot of higher cost players I have owned, and heard.

I have a couple issues maybe you can help with, the player defaults to multi channel on SACD, and I have to manually switch to 2-channel. Do you guys know how to set 2channel all the time? Also, when in continious repeat mode, my player gets stuck on the 3rd disc, and just clicks.

Anyway, overall, this is a KILLER player for the $$$, especially being a 5 disk player. More will be reveiled over time.


Thanks for the input buddy, this is a fun machine. I am goins to my AMS toggle as soon as I get done thanking you.
This is a fun player, it is wonderful on SACD's after more than 500 hours burn in. SACD is where this baby really shines, vinyl like qualities. CD is very very musical. Giant beater, no IMHO. Great value, YES. Fun, yes. Ultra high end NO.
Guidocorona, I can tell you more about the TRL, as it is better than many, many higher priced machines I have owned.
I have not received my Modwright yet, so cannot comment. I also will not compare to the APL, cause there really is no comparison other than to say that everything the TRL does, the APL does Better. That being said, coupled with the fact that my mission is officially over in my search, I will say this is one hellofa GREAT machine, especially for the cheap, and yes, I mean cheap price.

After 500 plus hours break in, the TRL is musical as all get out. By musical, I mean, it produces a well defined soundstage, deep and wide, is not analytical in any way, and does not suffer from digital glare. The TRL produces music, satisfying music. Not the last bit of detail, like the APL, now the last bit holographic dimensionality. The TRL is very user friendly, and really suprised me with it's SACD capabilities. When play Bowies Ziggy Stardust, I hear all guitar strings with vibration, and air. Drums are tight, and cymbals real. Not the last bit in decay, but hey, I will spell out much more expensive machines this is better than IMHO.

The TRL has a easy, friendly, musical quality too it. From top to bottom, it sounds like music. 2 dimensional to me. I like it a lot better than michines like stock Sony XA777ES, Esoteric DV-50, Shanling T200C, to mention just a few. This alone puts the TRL595 as a BEST BUY in my book, and well worth the price of admission.

Good luck in your journey

Jes45, I am taking your suggestion on the GT-200's, and if you love vinyl sounding digital, please try the APL. It is truely the BEST I have ever heard. I have not heard the 30k TRL, but if the 595 was almost as good, ya gotta get the 3910. If you do ot love, I will buy it from you. I am that serious.
Come on guys, the TRL 595 is a good player, the 563 is better IMHO, and the 3910 is just so much better, in every regard, you TRL guys are NUTZ IMHO. Yes, I own BOTH. Wanna come over and compare? See for yourself? Huh?
Clio09, the apl 563a is 700, the trl 595 is 700, the 3910 is 5000. 700-700 is a great exact mismatch imho. Yes, the 595 is very musical, the 563 is that much better, the 3910 is a completely different league altogether. I also own the modwright 3910, and have sold the exemplar 3910, aa capitole 2, mf tri-vista, dv-50, ect ect ect ect
Clio09-the APL 3910 is a stand alone player, redbook/sacd/dvd-a with built in remote digital volume control. I have compared this unit the the most expensive available, and prefer this to any I have heard, so far. I know of noone using this machine as a transport, but know of dozens, who have sold their seperates in favor of this one box wonder.

Hope this helps
Clio09, email Alex, I have no clue. I am sure it is like the sacd1000 Alex modded for the meitner, in the past. Personally, I would just stay with the 1 box solution. JMO

Jack, I have the APL's, Modwright, AND TRL if yawanna check em out. BTW, TRL decided not to keep their word and sell me the GT-200. Have you heard their new amps yet?

Jack, I am very happy the man who lost his hearing miraculously recovered, I found it a bit hard to fathom, but hey, could happen. I do not understand why would you have bought the amps, if ahem, I could not come up with the money? I thought you already owned the gt-200's and 100's at your cabin. OK, I know your a happy TRL guy, and I gotta tell you, I really tried. I had those playing in my head, I bought the cary cad m211 anniversary's for a month, just tuning myself up for those tubes. I sold them the week before Paul told me I would take delivery. I also had on order a pair of Pauls magico type speakers which he kept putting me off on. In the meantime, I feel just a bit burned. Yes, Paul is certainly available to talk too, write emails, ect, ect, but a 550 mod is not the same as buying amps, and speakers IMHO. The mods are SIMPLE compared to amps, and speakers.

Am I wrong?

Since you are so close to Paul, and were right there with the bigger bucks to buy my amps, what do you suggest I do next? I still NEED the right amps, suggestions please.


You are a funny sort of fellow, who seems to think that somehow, you know what I like and dislike. Please stop assuming, cause you know what you are when you assume. I have never said I did not like th TRL 595 sound, in fact, I said it was very good, very musical, a touch rolled off, and a bit soft on the bass. BUT, I said for the money, it is a STEAL. Now, I also said, in comparison with the APL 3910, Exemplar 3910, and or Modwright 3910, the TRL loses out in every catagory, just as it should, given the very large price variance.

I had Alex mod a Pioneer 563A for me as a spare player, I put the 2 head to head, and the 563A just drew me in better, with better air around the notes, tighter bass, and a bit more extended. It also plays DVD's/DVD-A's but, it is only a single disc. It is the same price point as the 595 and sounds better to me, and my friends, in my home, with my equipment, and my ears.

I was in fact really EXITED about getting the TRL GT-200's to the point of giddiness. I was also exited about the speakers Paul told me was making for me. I was taken back when I was told after patiently waiting for 3 months or more I could NOT buy them.

You are a funny sort of guy, hoping me ill will, and stating you wished I could not afford them, so you could buy them. Another interesting fact, you just wrote that you would have bought those amps to tri-amp you speakers, and you also just got done staing, previously, in this thread that you are gonna get TRL's new SS amps, cause they were better than the tubes. You are a close friend of Pauls, and IMHO, you trust what he says, he told me he was discontinueing tubes, in favor of his SS amps. Paul said they were BETTER in EVERY way than his tubes, so I was fortunate not to buy his tubes. When he told me that, I felt I was being given a line of BS, BUT, at the same time I swallowed my ill feelings, and told him, I wanted to give his new amp a try. I do not know the TRL house sound, but I am Man enough to listen to a guy like Paul, and respect his opinion. Even in a bad state of mind. What I do NOT understand, is if you were told the same about his new amps, why the hell would you not listen, and still desire his DISCONTINUED tube amps. I dunno, I just do not get it.I feel large contradictions in your statements.

Maybe I am just reading into your words something that is not there, if so I apologize. I am still on a mission, and it is still fun, I hope yours is too.


LKdog, what the hell are you saying? What reviews have you found on TRL, in the professional press. I have spent many hours scouring, searching the internet for professional reviews on TRL amps, pre-amps, ect. The only reviews I can find are on the trl sony's. I am only reporting MY personnal experience with doing business with TRL. I am happy to tell all, to those who want REAL feedback. I have been on an audio journey, which has put me in contact with many, many manufacturers, both big, and small. I share this info. on this forum to tell the TRUTH.

Not BS. This is MO of my experience with the subject, and thus, very well expected in this thread. Just cause you love your TRL unit, I am happy for you. Truely. But, you have neither the $$$, or desire to REALLY buy, try, evaluate, in the same way as myself. Maybe you should come on over and have a listen for yourself, than YOU would truely see how much better the APL, Exemplar, and Modwright units blow away the TRL 595. You should really get experience before you judge without actual knowledge. There is NO WAY IN HELL your opinion on this means anything, uless you have listened for yourself, or been involved with TRL on MY level, not yours.

Have fun in your journey, cause I am having fun in mine.

By the way, I tried to let this thread die, but you guys keep coming, and I just as Jack says"Just the Facts MAM"

Guidocorona, I looked inside the TRL 595, after receiving my APL 563A and it being better in every way than the TRL(I had a fight with Alex over this) I was getting caught up in the TRL hype myself, Alex told me I was crazy, I told him, as I always do, that I will put my money where my mouth is, and ordered the 563A mod to compare. Boy oh boy, was I surprised. Then I opened the TRL and was amazed by what I saw,it appeared TRL only replaced the EIC, disconected the power supply, added 2 cheap caps, and put epoxy on the circuit boards for rf/jitter gain. I could find no real upgrades. Especially compared to what Alex, or John Tucker, or Dan Wright, Ric Shultz, Underwood wally, and a host of other modders do. The other modders seem to really MOD a machine, not paste FAIRY dust on it.

Since I am NO expert I just sent it off to Alex to see if there are any other mods.

I really want to BELIEVE in TRL, But, In searching for all Pauls accolades, unfortunately I have only found info on these silly mods to these players. I was gonna spend over 12k WITH PAUL.

More will be revieled as I do some additional investigation. In the meantime, MHO is that the 563 is leaps and bounds better than the TRL's.

