TRL 595-how good is it?

I am a digital junky, so I have been thru well over a dozen players in the past 12 months. My favorite is the APL 3910. I just bought the TRL Sony 595 from the Tsunami auction, and will receive next week. Any one here have experience with this machine? I TT Paul from TRL and he said he is still shaking his head from disbelief on how good this puppy sounds. I am impatient, so would love some feedback. I also love the fact it is a 5 disc changer. Could it be a world beater? I have TT a person who sold his Cary 303/200 after burning this puppy in.

Ehquiring minds want to know

Guidocorona, I can tell you more about the TRL, as it is better than many, many higher priced machines I have owned.
I have not received my Modwright yet, so cannot comment. I also will not compare to the APL, cause there really is no comparison other than to say that everything the TRL does, the APL does Better. That being said, coupled with the fact that my mission is officially over in my search, I will say this is one hellofa GREAT machine, especially for the cheap, and yes, I mean cheap price.

After 500 plus hours break in, the TRL is musical as all get out. By musical, I mean, it produces a well defined soundstage, deep and wide, is not analytical in any way, and does not suffer from digital glare. The TRL produces music, satisfying music. Not the last bit of detail, like the APL, now the last bit holographic dimensionality. The TRL is very user friendly, and really suprised me with it's SACD capabilities. When play Bowies Ziggy Stardust, I hear all guitar strings with vibration, and air. Drums are tight, and cymbals real. Not the last bit in decay, but hey, I will spell out much more expensive machines this is better than IMHO.

The TRL has a easy, friendly, musical quality too it. From top to bottom, it sounds like music. 2 dimensional to me. I like it a lot better than michines like stock Sony XA777ES, Esoteric DV-50, Shanling T200C, to mention just a few. This alone puts the TRL595 as a BEST BUY in my book, and well worth the price of admission.

Good luck in your journey


Thanks for the additional comments on the TRL 595. It really does seem like a no-brainer for the price. Paul had briefly mentioned other players that sounded better than the 595 when modded, like the Sony 2000ES and the Marantz SA11/14. Did he mention others to you and how they stack up to each other after mods?


- Jay
711smilin(Steve)- I was never sure what your big dilemma and torture was about all of this digital stuff. You came to the exact conclusion we all knew you would-APL is the best in your view.

You love the APL stuff and made that clear from the beginning to everyone, and have made that clear in all related threads about any equipment.
Just have a yard sale and dump the rest and enjoy the APL!
Hope things calm down for you and you can just have fun and enjoy the music for awhile.

I heard that TRL really likes one of the Marantz units you mention above. Paul can tell you which one. Certainly there are many units with better stock build quality than the modest 595. What that translates into for sound-they can tell you.
jsala, I just can't see any indication of Steve Miling not having a load of clean fun. Is there a particular clinical cymptom which may point at this fact?
Steve appears to be giving a lot of players a valiant try. Which can't be said of most of us, including myself, who is still playing a 1994-vintage EAD combo.
I hope Steve continues to acquire new players and share his impressions. One fine day he may encounter a device which surpasses his enjoyment of the APL 3910 and may so fall hopelessly in love again. . . or he may not and keep faith to APL 3910.
Either way, he appears to be having a vast amount of healthy fun.