TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?

Showing 21 responses by clio09

I asked the same question as well. TRL offers a money back guarantee on their mods. Paul Weitzel also told me no one has taken TRL up on this guarantee, which says a lot about their work.

The Alesis ML9600 is humming along and gets better every day. Thanks so much for providing me the opportunity to own one of the best products I have ever purchased and introducing me to the TRL family. I am planning on having Paul mod my DAC so that I can have a set-up that rivals your former combo.

I'd be interested in your opinion of the sound post burn-in. I've been holding off trying it.

What brands of cable did you try? I'm using CRL Silver on my TRL modded transport, but am curious as to what others are experinecing with other brands.

On my latest transaction from TRL I was suprised to find some extra goodies in the box. There were some music CDs from Paul's recording company and a bottle of Shine Ola, Brian's creation that is an excellent CD cleaner that leaves no residue. I had been using Audience's Auric Illuminator but not only is Shine Ola easier to use, it results in better sound IMO.

I can't wait to try RRL's vinyl deep wash and cleaner products as I now have my TT back and spinning vinyl again. Try Shine Ola, it is well worth the modest $25 fee.
What differences? Seriously, I can barely tell these days without straining my ears, both with vinyl on my SOTA Nova (Kuzma Stogi, Benz M2) and my Revox B77 (reels). The digital still comes across with less ambience, but perhaps a tad more detail depending on the recording. However, the playing field has been significantly leveled. The digital has a more organic sound to it than I ever thought digital could achieve. I suspect though the results might depend on what TRL modded components you're comparing to the vinyl rig. Mine are:

TRL Alesis ML9600
Audio Mirror D1 DAC (soon to be TRL modded)
So excited that I sent the Audio Mirror to them UPS 2 Day. In addition I am getting the CRL Silver digital IC with Bocchino ends ($85 each I believe just for those). My previous experience using the CRL Silver power cord on the TRL Alesis transport led me to this purchase. I had previously been using an Audience PowerChord which I think is an excellent value for the money. After swapping it out for the CRL Silver I immmediately noticed much better bass and blacker background, right out of the box before burn in, but it wasn't until I went back to the Audience for comparative purposes after the CRL Silver PC had a chance to burn in that I found out how much difference there was between the two. If the digital ICs are as good my ears are in for a big treat.

I will have a complete TRL digital set-up when the Audio Mirror gets back and plan to write a review on it after burn in.
Go for it. I just got my Audio Mirror DAC back from TRL and combined with my TRL Alesis ML9600 transport I have noticed a huge improvement in clarity right out of the box. While it is a bit lean right now as the DAC, as well as the CRL digital cable are breaking in, sonically it is at this point much better than the stock Audio Mirror unit. I realize this isn't a TRL Marantz SA-14, but I'm told by TRL this is a step below based on what they were able to accomplish. Knowing that, I can only imagine what the TRL Marantz SA-14 can sound like. If I go with a one box unit in the future, the Marantz will be my race horse. No question in my mind at this point.
Breaking the cycle is a good idea. That is how I am breaking in my TRL modded DAC. I usually run it 48 hours, then shut it down a day, then start the cycle over again. It should take about a month to fully break in this way.

As you have most definitely read in these threads TRL mods, including those on the SA-14, require a significant amount of time (500 hours is recommended) to fully break-in. I can understand your disappointment after 50 hours, my TRL Audio Mirror DAC sounded better than stock but nothing to write home about after 50, 100, and 150 hours. However, at 200, 250, and 300 the sound opened up and measurably improved. The unit was performing as I expected, and as the Weitzel's described it would. Even though the sound is phenomenal right now, I am waiting until the 500 hours mark to make my final analysis.

I think you need to give this more than 50 hours. Heck, even a new non-TRL CDP would require at least 100 hours of break-in, which is pretty standard in the industry.

Dang! Why didn't I think of asking Pardales that question? You snooze you lose.

I think the combination of the TRL Audio Mirror with the TRL Alesis Masterlink is one that is a match made in heaven. Having said that I have also heard the TRL Audio Mirror with a Sound Odyssey modified Music Hall CD-25. The result was very good, but a bit more analytical than my ears would prefer. I wasn't aware Paul was using a modified Alesis in his listening set-up as well. Now with the TRL ST-225 amp on the way I guess I need to look into Magico speakers. I swore I would never sell my Spendor's, then again I swore I would never give up my tube amp. Technically I still haven't, but I fear the ST-225 is eventually going to nudge it out of my rotation if indications from others who are using the ST-225 is a gauge for how good it is.

Listening to the D225 now and spoke to Brian Weitzel today about my initial impressions. Right now the low end is performing fantastic. The mid-range is coming around and the vocals are exquisite. The high end is a bit harsh but after a 100 hours or so will smooth out. This amp does not require the full break-in as it was the prototype and has undergone quite a bit of testing at TRL. Some tweaks were done at the last minute and these are the parts that require break in. One thing for sure, this amp drives my Spendors in a way the Cary V12i could not. That is no knock on the Cary, just the reality of 225 watts solid state versus 50 watts triode.

The fact that my preamp seems to be passing a signal to the D225 even with the volume turned down completely resulting in my hearing faint music coming from the speakers puzzles me (not a D225 issue). Also, I'm still playing around with the best set-up for the D225 and may actually move it to a maple butcher block amp stand (Brian's suggestion) to see what difference this might make in sound.

Obviously my weekend is booked. I'll probably start another thread to report back. One last note, this thing is a monster weighing in at 65 lbs. and measuring somewhere in the neighborhood of 21" x 24" x 4".
La45 - yes this is the new line of solid state amps. The ST-225 integrated has been out for a little while and while that was something I was interested in, I decided to keep my Joule Electra LA-100 MkIII as a tube preamp and TRL was experimenting with this prototype amp and well the rest is history. I won't be able to compare the sound of this versus the TRL tube amps since I never had them, but I can and will compare the D-225 to my own tube amp. TRL claims these new solid state designs expose how noisy their tube designs were, but TRL, like most of us into tubes, accept the noise in exchange for other sonic qualities. Well the solid state line is supposed to offer the best of both worlds - less noise (my amp is very quiet, not more transformer hum when I put my ear to the speaker, not at any volume level) and tube sonics. I will have to wait a bit more before I render an opinion on that.

Lkgod - I used to use sand bags on top of my speakers. This is a great and inexpensive tweak (lead bags work too), but can be over done. Experimenting with it is fun though. I use HRS plates now. I use the rubber/cork thingies under the D-225 since it doesn't come with feet.

Jack - lucky I never sold those extra HRS plates, I now use a large and medium plate on top of the D-225.

My speakers are not very efficient either, Spendor 1/2e, but the amp is getting the most out of them now. After some initial issues with break-in, I think the Joule and the D-225 work nicely together.

I am using the CRL Silver on my transport and the D-225 amp. I have a Virtual Dynamics NIte II on the preamp and I use a VH Flavor 4 on the DAC. I was thinking about going with all CRL Silver power cords as I don't experience the thinness you do. Obviously everything is system dependent, but I hear the CRL Gold will deliver more, especially in the bass, maybe that would be better for your system. I do like the VH Audio cables though, great price for great quality.

What tubes do you use in the Joule, I'm thinking of experimenting.

What phono stage did you have TRL modify? I have thought about sending them one of mine to modify.

As to ERS, I have spoken to Paul Weitzel and asked him if I should use ERS in my DAC. He said NO, further adding that they actually remove ERS from units that come in to them for mods. He indicated that ERS sucks the life out of the music. In looking at the DAC chips, while I believe they are dampened, it's difficult to say how as there is epoxy covering the chips. I have my doubts though that it is ERS, but if it is, it would have to be a tiny amount. The chips in my DAC are TD-1543s and they are pretty small.

As to Quicksilver, not sure about that, although Paul's brother Brian recommended I use it on ICs, RCA jacks and speaker terminations. Maybe Jack Seaton can weigh in on this as he has a number of TRL modded units.
I use the HRS damping plates, mainly on my speakers, and am anxious to try the Nimbus dampers under my amp and preamp.

In the past Paul mentioned that they have modified the ART Pro 40 power conditioners. As Lkdog said, he is not crazy about power conditioners in general, but from what I understand this is what he uses when he does his live recordings and doesn't have access to clean power at the venue.
I am going to be trying the Oritek X-2 shortly on my TRL Sony DVP-NS900V. If I see a used X-1 I'll be all over it. Too much has been said about these cable to ignore them.
La45 - I'll report on the Sony when I get it, hopefully this week. However, I have never heard the TRL Marantz so I can't make a direct comparison.

I actually spotted a pair of 1m Oritek X-1 ICs here today and bought them. I'll compare them to the X-2s and a few other cables I have lying around.
La45 - I've ordered the X-2 cables and they take a couple weeks to ship. The X-1 cables should be here soon and I'll be able to listen to them for a bit prior to swapping in the X-2s. Hopefully I'll have my Sony next week and can start the break in process.