TRL Marantz Sa-14

After speaking to Paul at TRL I am very curious to hear from those who own this unit what improvements do you hear with the player before and after the mod.

The SA-14 sounds weak in the bass and has no dynamics in comparison to some players like the Sony Scd-1 in stock form. Has anyone compared the TRL Sa-14 to the Sony Scd-1?
Agree that around 300 hours it really kicks in.
Changes continue after that but they seem more incremental.
Clio09 has the new D225 TRL basic amp (not integrated). Got it yesterday. I can't wait to hear his impressions.

Lkdog: How have you been? Any new changes to the system? And the kitchen remodel ... ?


LOL! Kitchen almost done. Had turkey day here and we broke in the new oven. I am broke now so doing cheap tweaks :)
Kitchen remodels are the crack-cocaine of today's women.

Am wondering about power conditioning for the TRL SA14.
The Audio Magic Mini Digital looks interesting.

As for the tweaks-I changed the coupling material between my speaker stands and my ACI Jaguar monitors, and also am now using two ziplock bags of sand on top of the TRL SA 14.
Both made a difference, especially switching to Blu Tack underneath the ACI Jags.
System sounding great-wish I could buy the TRL power amp.
I think the Jags would enjoy a bit more juice than 150 x 2.
Listening to the D225 now and spoke to Brian Weitzel today about my initial impressions. Right now the low end is performing fantastic. The mid-range is coming around and the vocals are exquisite. The high end is a bit harsh but after a 100 hours or so will smooth out. This amp does not require the full break-in as it was the prototype and has undergone quite a bit of testing at TRL. Some tweaks were done at the last minute and these are the parts that require break in. One thing for sure, this amp drives my Spendors in a way the Cary V12i could not. That is no knock on the Cary, just the reality of 225 watts solid state versus 50 watts triode.

The fact that my preamp seems to be passing a signal to the D225 even with the volume turned down completely resulting in my hearing faint music coming from the speakers puzzles me (not a D225 issue). Also, I'm still playing around with the best set-up for the D225 and may actually move it to a maple butcher block amp stand (Brian's suggestion) to see what difference this might make in sound.

Obviously my weekend is booked. I'll probably start another thread to report back. One last note, this thing is a monster weighing in at 65 lbs. and measuring somewhere in the neighborhood of 21" x 24" x 4".

Thanks for giving me the timeframe. Compared to a fully broken in TRl/Sony 2000es, the TRL/Marantz SA-14 v2 sounds like a lightweight instead of a middleweight Sony. So knowing there is a way to go is encouraging since in most other aspects this thing sounds more musical.

I am leary placing anything on top of the Marantz except for a soft sexy cloth. I have a tuning set of feet (my own design) that works fine under my SET also. But thats me.

Clio09- Is this the solid state amp that Paul claims sounds better than his previous top of the line tube amp?
Look forward to hearing your final impressions.

Jack--I am losing sleep all over again. Late night fun is back and the player is gorgeous sexy to look at. I have been switching back and forth between rca and balanced and at this point they are both very close in sound with a slight edge to the rca.

BIT is 230 hours counting...