TT dustcover - ,HELP, HELP,HELP....

Recently, I saw a univeral dustcover somewhere on the net that went on the plater like a record BUT also was rolled in a kind of half tube to cover the tone arm ( clever AND reasonably priced ) I can't remember the site ,it may have been a Brit site or if not, possibly the cover was made in GB -just not too sure about this last part. I'm getting anxious since I just got a new TT and I have a very curious 4 y/o grandson. Ah,very clever those Brits -or whoever makes it. Help would be greatly appreciated.
I second Lps2cd's recommendation. I had one made for my Michell Orbe SE. It was ready in about a week and for $110. I did some dimensioning and just give TAP plastics my specifications. The one Michell sells cost about the same, and according to a friend of mine who has one, it doesn't do squat. And you are right, it bangs into the arm all the time.
There is a chain out here in California called TAP Plastics,(they have retail stores) they can make you a custom cover for around $80.00-$90.00 depending on size (apprx. 19" x 15" x 5") and thickness (1/8" or 1/4"). If there's one in your area check 'em out.
ps. I have no affliation with them.
Another option to consider is a plexiglass cover that will cover the whole thing. Depending on your turntable, that might give you even more protection. There is a gentleman who makes and sells them here on Audiogon. I bought one from him and have been very pleased with it. More expensive than the unicover, which I had also considered for my Gyrodec SE. Here is his e-mail:

Dickson: Thanks for the info - my tt especially thanks you. It looks as though there is some potential for the platter to be rotated hitting the tonearm.I would imagine it would be possible to put a wedge under the platter to prevent curios little fingers from rotating the platter.I guess I have to keep thinking like a 4y/o. Take care and happy listening .