Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto

i'm considering switching to a tube amp to drive my GMA Callisto speakers and hoping to get recommendations from folks that have done so. What tube amps would pair well with the callistos?

The speakers have the following specs:
Impedance: 4.8 Ohms, +/- 0.75 Ohms from 100Hz to 20kHz
Sensitivity: 90dB

What would be the minimum power i can get by with? i don't listen at ear bleeding levels... maybe 80 db 12 feet from the speakers.

thanks in advance for any suggestions!

but I have owned a set of AES Sixpacs and thought they sounded great. You can run these amps with zero-negative feedback. They only have a couple of drawbacks - they produce a bit of heat and with 12 EL-34 power tubes, they ain't cheap to re-tube. That being said, if I was in the market for tube monoblocks, the AES Sixpacs would be on my shortlist.
Amen! I too owned a pair that drove my Green Mtn C1.5i floorstanders & I too can say that I really liked the sound of the combination.

If the originator of this thread is looking for tube monos this is one amp that he should short-list.
In my fantasy world where I have a system in each and every room of my house, one system would contain a fully tricked-out Cary SLP-98P and a custom set of Sixpacs painted to compltely match the pre-amp. I think that would be a cool setup.

One more thing to note about the Sixpacs: There is a lot of iron in each monoblock. If you've not lifted one, you'll be surprised exactly how heavy each amp is. New they are a bargain. Used they are a steal. Make sure they are packed *really* well.

If you decided to consider SS integrated, put the Ayre on your short list.
Wow...sorry for another post.

Sixpacs are on sale at for $1,750.00
I've had three different pairs of GMA speakers including the Continuum 3. Six Pacs were great amps on them but an 845 SET was even better.

(The Pacs are the best push-pull amps I've heard; triode operation with 0 NFB is a great way to do P-P!)
triode operation with 0 NFB is a great way to do P-P!
Paulfolbrecht (Reviews | Threads | Answers)

Agreed. My VAC Phi 110/110 sounded superb in this mode.