Tube amp suggestions

I have a pair of B&W 805D with B&W AWS12 subwoofer, a VTL 2.5 Preamp, moon .5 CD player, Music Hall MMF 2.2LE turntable and Sonic Frontiers SFS-50 amp.
I like the amp but am considering upgrading the amp to another tube amp and wanted to get some input. I've got about $2000 to spend.
You might have some decent options with Rogue amps. I haven't heard that combo, but Rogue and Quicksilver are both good bang for your buck propositions in the tube world.
Snag the VAC pa100 listed for 1500.00. That won't have any problems with 805d.

Just asking, you have a tube preamp, why not get a solid state amp with some balls?

I had B&W Silver Signatures for nine years. It seems to be a known thought that B&W speakers need power to fully open up.

I use a Spectron with my monitors but a lot of people don't think much of Class D amps. How about a Plinius, Pass, Threshold, etc. If you're not in a big hurry, I've seen older Plinius Class A amps come up for under $2000.00. I would think that an older Pass X150 would be in the same range. I also had a lot of success with an old Musical Fidelity A308cr power amp.

Just a thought.
