Tube Buffer-Tape loop

Hey all,

I am thnking of getting a tube buffer for my SS Music Hall 25.2.

I am slightly confused on some things I have read regarding the Tape Loop in my system.

Can anyone clear this up?

I was going to just put it between my CD and the Amp. But somewhere I read about putting it directly into the tape loop, this way anything plugged into my Amp can benefit from the Tube Buffer. {DVD, CD, Turntable...etc...}

Is that correct?


Yes. When you engage the tape monitor, it will be heard. When the monitor is on "source", it won't. Cheers,
You would have to spend more but unless your player is top notch you might be better of getting 1) a pre with tubes.Less ultimate clarity but way better delivery than most CD's op-amp's that control volume.More control,dynamics and bass,or 2)or get more clarity with modded CD player like Modwright.Any other move will be 3 times the price at minimum yes but better sound.Just a thought.
I don't think that the tape loop does the deed at all. The purpose of a buffer, be it tube, or transistor, is to present the driving load with a very high input impedance to take the current demand off of the wimpy output stages in inexpensive CD players, DVD's, etc, resulting in inproved dynamics and frequency response. The second half of the equation is that a tube buffer will have a very low output impedance to drive long cables or hard loads.

If you put the buffer in the tape loop, the CD player will probably see the input impedance of the preamp section which will not really help the dynamics and frequency response of the Music Hall. On the other hand, if you are just buying the device to get some fattening from the low order even harmonic distortion of tubes, then the tape loop is fine. Of course, as with all things audio, this is in the ear of the beholder and you are free to try both ways.
Thanks for your replies!

Now still wondering if I should get the Tube Buffer......
