Tube integrated amp under $1000

Getting close to taking a plunge on a small tube integrated amp preferably under $1000.  Open for suggestions.   Small size and WAF matters.   The two leading contenders I have actually heard are Glow Audio Amp 1 and Jolida fx10.  

Only knock I know of against either is Jolida runs hot and can shorten lifespan.   How has that turned out for owners?

Will  run 90db small monitors initially  and needs a headphone Jack as well.  Ability to drive lower impedance headphones like Sennheiser Momentum without noise or hum desired. 

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Thanks for the input from those who posted.

Actually, I must re-think this a bit. Wife will not be happy with any wires showing in our living room. Go figure?

Given that I’m thinking going portable with a small headphone amp only, maybe one with tubes even although that might result in me buying another pair of good quality headphones with higher impedance in any case. This might be the best solution to add music to that one room in my house missing it currently.  That and  maybe a pair of small good quality active studio monitors.
If you can get the Dared VP-80 (link below) for $1K you'll never look back...even with stock tubes it destroys everything I've heard in the sub-$3K category.  I deeply regret selling mine and going back to SS gear, to be honest, but financial circumstances dictated it.   While the Dared i30 is certainly good, the VP-80 is orders of magnitude better.  It is genuinely superb.
I am a big fan of the new Jolida gear.  I have an old Jolida tube DAC and it is as good as the new Schiit DAC to which I compared it.  Jolida's work on high end gear has trickled down to their lower-end gear.  Musical Paradise has a well-reviewed tube integrated amp for not much money.