Tube integrated amp under $1000

Getting close to taking a plunge on a small tube integrated amp preferably under $1000.  Open for suggestions.   Small size and WAF matters.   The two leading contenders I have actually heard are Glow Audio Amp 1 and Jolida fx10.  

Only knock I know of against either is Jolida runs hot and can shorten lifespan.   How has that turned out for owners?

Will  run 90db small monitors initially  and needs a headphone Jack as well.  Ability to drive lower impedance headphones like Sennheiser Momentum without noise or hum desired. 

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If you can get the Dared VP-80 (link below) for $1K you'll never look back...even with stock tubes it destroys everything I've heard in the sub-$3K category.  I deeply regret selling mine and going back to SS gear, to be honest, but financial circumstances dictated it.   While the Dared i30 is certainly good, the VP-80 is orders of magnitude better.  It is genuinely superb.
I am a big fan of the new Jolida gear.  I have an old Jolida tube DAC and it is as good as the new Schiit DAC to which I compared it.  Jolida's work on high end gear has trickled down to their lower-end gear.  Musical Paradise has a well-reviewed tube integrated amp for not much money.  

Hm, since we're talking about under $1K, I don't know if you'd consider a hybrid amp. I think a tube buffered chip amp / gainclone can be very nice if carefully done - I happen to be selling one :) (search for modified jolida hybrid)
I've had some of my vintage stuff checked out/repaired by a guy named Scott who owns SG Custom Sound in Douglaston NY.  He's a musician, tech, and carries Jolida products.  

I was interested in a piece years ago and when I asked him if I should be cautious of Chinese manufacturing he replied that they build according to the specs/materials they're instructed to, so...

If someone with his  background saw no issue with it neither could I. Cool guy, cool shop. Just a third party endorsement perhaps more valuable than mine!