Tube integrated amps


Don't know anything about tube integrated amps but want to learn.

Where are some good resources?

Want to give one a try in a second system that has Dynaudio 1.3SE speakers. Don't want to spend more than 2300 used or 4K new.
I agree with Pubul57 in that there is more going on here than decibels. In fact, in my example of ~40 tube watts driving well a set of speakers with a mildly ugly impedance curve, that tube amp replaced a MF A5 that claimed 250+ watts into 8 ohms. The MF had better control of the woofer, of course, but not by much. And across the rest of the frequency spectrum? Not even close, those tubes make music.

And as for establishing a reference based on a top-flight system, well watch your wallet as you slide down that slippery slope .

I like the idea of an NAD/Polk as a reference (mine is NAD/Boston Acoustics, by the way), then anything better is just an added treat.

So long as it all remains fun, eh?
I would also suggest a Unico or Pathos , although it depends on your personal taste, room dynamics, cabling etc etc. Perhaps a used Unico SE or Pathos Classic (MKIII) on audiogon is better value and in your price range.

I used a standard Unico (rated at 80w) to drive relatively insensitive speakers to great effect in a medium sized room. In one case, they were the Spendor 3/5SE's (84dB sensitivity) and the Harbeth M30's (85 db). Very musical, and solid low end punch from these monitors.

Anyway, good luck with your search - I don't think you can go wrong with any of the suggestions above.
Vincent Audio makes 2 integrated amps that are between $1k and $2k. Heard them at a show. Tough to beat at 2 to 3 times the price. I think they were the model 226 and 236.
Beautiful sounding and to look at.
I will do so Pubul7. You & the others have been a great help. Thank you. leaning towards SS solution. Happy Holidays.