Tube Pre for Digital Amp

I have a Carver Pro Class "t" digital amp and am wondering if anyone out there is using tubes in front, for their Bel Canto, HCA-2, Spectron amps? thanks...

Thanks for reply... I think i will give the tub-pre
a shot can always put SS back in. If its workin for
you guys it should work for me.

Im happy already but as you know the quest is never

Good question, Voodoochile. However, one reason I like the SF is that it is not tube-y. It is tight, clean and honest. It may not be perfect (what is?) but it does not compromise the eVo.
Thanks to all for your input; I have auditioned several high quality tube pre's, and as mentioned above, the added dynamics to a fast, agile amp is really the best of both worlds, in my opinion. I think it is well worth the effort, and further, i think that tube preæs might actually work best with digital amps. Dan


We chose the Consonance Reference tube pre after comparing based on design, performance and reliability. Great match with digital amps.