Tubes: Which is best?

I have a Mcintosh 2102 amplifier which is just now showing signs of needing some tube replacement, specifically the KT88's. According to Mcintosh, tube replacement does not have to be done as an all or nothing proposition, that their circuitry allows for replacing tubes on an individual basis. That said, I was debating on what tube brand I should use. Naturally, I first thought of using Mcintosh tubes but they are selling them for $100.00 ea. Gold Lion tubes are $100.00 for a matched pair. From the limited knowledge I have about tubes, I am under the impression that these Gold Lion tubes are the best outside of the really expensive Diamond tubes, which I can't afford. Was wondering what I should do; buy the more expensive Mac tubes or go with another brand. I understand that the Mac tubes and the Gold Lion tubes are made by the same company.

Showing 1 response by rodman99999

An excellent place to purchase output tubes, should you decide to go with the Gold Lions: ( You do not HAVE to replace all the tubes at once, but if one needs replacement(and it's audible), the others are probably not providing peak performance anymore either. Why compromise your reproduction?