Tuning speaker / room response?

I finally did an experiment this afternoon to check out my speaker and room response. The graph below shows the results:

I got this using the Stereophile Test CD 2 tracks 15 through 18 using my system. The first one provides pink noise, the others give warble tones at the various center frequencies shown in the chart.

A Radio Shack SPL meter, in fast mode, C weighted, was used to to capture SPL levels. The meter was in the 80dB range. As C weighting rolls of above 10kHz, I did not show the rest of the spectrum.

Now this does not look all that flat to me, but I have never done this before. Can anyone give me an opinion on how good or bad this looks?

Also, it looks to me like a little room tuning might help. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to start with this?


Showing 1 response by pls1

The methods described so far really only give rough approximations to the actual response at the sweet spot. This is because of the multitude of reinforcements and nulls that are caused by the multiple reflections. Your actual response is actually much worse than the curves shown. Impluse methods, such as MLSSA or those used by Sigtech, or specialized sweep tones should be used for room tuning. The asc tube trap site has an extensive explaination on their MATT test page (http://www.tubetrap.com/. I use both ASC tubtraps and a Sigtech DSP to tune my room. They make a huge difference and my room is good to begin with.