TW Acustic Raven One owners

Hello Guys,

I have bought one month ago a TW Acustic Raven One and I have mounted a new Michell Tecnoarm I'm breaking-in with my Grado Statement Master 0.4mv cartridge
I'm very happy about the TW , for me it's a great TT telling the true not the best looking TT but surely one of the good sounding out of there.
Speaking about the arm since it was a new one and I haven't finished to break-in (only 40 hours done) I can only say it smells like a good sounding arm .. expecially good silver cabled

What your arm on this TT? .. and how about your experiences about Raven One - Arm combo?

Happy New Vinyl Year to EveryOne!


Showing 2 responses by acee

Jeff Mr. high water set me up good.
the Raven one with a new ortofon 12 inch.
then what i asked for was something of a gamble because nether one of us was familiar with a Decca jubilee MM.the golden cart that kicks butt.
it delivers reality and its kind of actual like mono but has freshness to the max the way the best stereo does.
its just so secure on the ravens dead quite perfect silk smooth toque that seems as sure and seamless as the earths rotation.
the other arm is just good but mostly holding its spot until another ship comes in its a jelco with a zu 102 denon mono cart and we thought it was really good until we lowered the Decca.
its set up in a small living room with my leben 300 12 watt integrated and a English made Puresound MM phono stage and horn shop single drivers.
Jeffery loaded the Denon mono first and i was psyched and he was surprised that it sounded as good as it did and we were digging it, but the second the Decca touched the Boozoo Chavez record his ear perked and his eye brows lifted he heard it before i did.
i couldn't really comprehend it at first it was like opening a window.
he said later over the phone it gave you that mono hit but fresh.
and Ducatirider, i could mount the denon myself its a good easy tracker but i could see that the decca has to be exact.