Unable to load files to Sony HAP-Z1ES thru network

I’m having difficulties transferring files—pretty much anything about 96kHz/24bit—into my Sony HAP-Z1ES through a wireless network. Typically, a few files will transfer, but then I’ll get an error message (in the Sony transfer app) saying a file can not be found. The transfer then stops. Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by stereo5

I have the same Sony and do not have that problem.  I have loaded many hi res files at once and haven’t endured what you are saying. Do you have the latest firmware that was released a month or 2 ago?  Have you tried transferring the files using the wired Ethernet?
I do not use the Sony Music Transfer program with my HAPZ1ES, I use Windows explorer and just drag and drop.  I also upload the files to the Sony in batches, about 20GB at a time and never had any problems, lock-ups or otherwise.  It is not adviosed by Sony to upload large amounts of files via the wireless, Sony recommends the ethernet connection and to use the wireless for adding new files, once the big initial transfer has