Unico SE Underwood Level-2 Mods ????

I am considering buying one second hand to drive my JM-Reynaud speakers.
I'd really appreciate hearing from owners of the Integrated - what's it like? What are it's strengths? Any real weaknesses?
I listen mostly to acoustic music, lotsa female vocal.

Thanks in Anticipation
Thanks Cruz123
I'm familiar with that review.
That review sparked my interest, and now there is one available 2nd hand, at a good price. I'm hoping to hear unbiased opinions from real people and owners.
I have read so many positive reviews about gear that I just don't like - I want to canvass widely.
I can't do a home audition before buying, so I'm buying "blind".
I have heard the original Unico on my speakers. Very nice but a tad dark and slow. I believe the SE, especially with the Underwood Mods, overcame these issues, but I still hope to hear from satisfied or unsatisfied users/owners.

I had the Unico and it will not give you what you are looking for.